Friday, January 31, 2014

Still cold, still snowy

Not much new same old same old.  LP prices are now at $5.50 a gallon according to she who sees robins first who got LP yesterday. If this Ice Age continues half of the people in this area will be poor as a church mice.  Most Gas Companies are only delivering 100 gallons at a time to their customers.

Yesterday I had an eye appointment in town, everything is status quo.  We stopped by my parents,  had coffee and I fixed their TV settings.  We did errands whilst we were in town.  Chance got to go along because it was a sunny day and –2 degrees F.

I accomplish a few bothersome items that have been on the back burner.  A password that was recovered that I have not used in years..three emails and two phone calls later it was resolved.  Cross something off the freaking list!


I am working on a huge fundraising project for the museum.  It should be completed in the next week or so.  They don’t pay me enough for the off season work I do for them…it is discouraging.

Old truck March 2009

I suppose you were wondering what was under all that snow…a gate and an old truck, a  local landmark. I am hoping for another day or two of warmer weather so I can get out and take more photos.

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  1. I love that last photograph of the old truck : the contrast between the almost one-dimensional snow and the complexity of the colours and angles of the truck is just wonderful.

    1. I agree with Alan. Your photo of the truck is evocative and an "instant" classic!

  2. I had read about LP prices the other day, wondering what's driving the price up. I bet it was nice being out in the sunshine, even if it was rather cold.

  3. Morning, same here, sharing this crappy cold weather..... Love the old truck, picture, Keep Warm, Francine.

  4. I love the photos of the old truck. Glad you were able to get out and about yesterday. Not surprised about the price of LP. With this lousy weather the price of everything is going up. Keep warm and have a great weekend.

  5. When "warm" is two below, it's time for spring! Nice job with the old truck pictures. And it's true that whatever they pay you, it's not enough for all you do for the museum. You are a gem. :-)

  6. I like the contrast of colors against the snow - - - very pretty. Until I listened to the news the other day, I thought the gas was in a shortage but found out it is more of a problem with enough trucks for delivery (I guess that is the BIG deliveries to towns). They said due to the price, many could not afford fill-ups and that unintentional rationing has helped keep a better supply. So glad you all had yours filled when it was cheaper. Hopefully the price will drop before you need more.

  7. I am ready for spring after 3 days of snow hanging around in Atlanta:) you sure have a lot on the truck

  8. Your winter this year sure gives a true meaning to cabin fever!

  9. So sad about the lp prices. I love the old truck photo.
    Glad Chance got to go along for the ride.
    Best wishes with the fund raising project.

  10. Natural gas here has really soared in price. I will be glad to see the end of winter as I know you will.

  11. Love the truck photo. I think you should try take more photos of it as the seasons change. I feel for you with your cold and snow:(
    The sun is coming up this morning, it's above freezing, and I'm going to do some more gardening.

  12. Love the truck photo to . The temps here are warmer then they have been and we are loving it so far today it is 0°C or 32°F tropical almost lol ! Oh I also saw a sign of spring posted about that today ! Hope all goes well at the fund raiser . Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  13. I hate price gougers, not fair to kick a gal when she's down!
    Hope things warms up soon. The weather has gotten cooler here, in the mid. 20's and sunshine, but the ground is frozen ice and the roads are covered in pebbles. Lots of cracked windshields...we need some snow!

  14. I enjoy your images!!!
    THe price of gas in wisconsin last week was forty cents cheaper than in chicago…OUCH.

  15. I love the old truck picture. You make me laugh..."cross something off the freaking list"! I needed a little laugh today!

  16. Last summer husband decided we needed a 1000 propane tank, which we bought and filled. It was serious "chunk of change" and I was second-guessing him then, but I am not now. Propane is about $5 a gallon here. I am very glad we won't have to buy any again until summer.

  17. Signal lights on top of the cab on the old cars bring back good memories. They were an after market product when these vehicles were new and didn't come with signal lights.

  18. We had to get propane today, in Alabama. It was $5/gallon - up from $4.50 just 5 days ago! Yikes!
    I love your truck pictures - red looks so nice against the snowy backdrop.

  19. Well, your "old truck" photo is a winner! I add my vote to the collection.

    Speaking of wishes on your latest fund raiser for the museum. You deserve a massive pay raise for all you do for that organization!

    Kudos to you for fighting that password battle, by the way. I've got one like that on my back burner, too, but you're more the woman than I am...think I'll be leaving that one lie for a while...

  20. Love that snowed-under truck - man have you been having a real hard winter this year!

  21. I love those lights on that old truck!!! I don't think they pay you enough for your work either. Is there a possibly of off-season pay...since I know that is just given to them by you.


  22. It reminds me of the truck photos I have in Grand Marais of the truck junkyard at the far end of town.


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