Friday, February 28, 2014

Goodbye Cold February

So long, farewell  goodbye…GOODBYE!

You were a cold miserable month.

Chick a dee 

Your brilliant blue skies yesterday looked warmer than –2 F.  The wind made it much colder.

Snow bank

The snow banks grow taller and taller.  North Dakota must be sharing their snow with us.

Snowstick holds at 16 inches

Here in the yard at the snow stick the measurement of 16 inches is holding.  Notice all the bits of bark that landed on the snow during the big wind.

Two people froze to death Wednesday night or early Thursday morning, a six year old girl in Bemidji and a 36 year old woman in Motley.   It was a bad week for area news, there was a murder in Park Rapids at the old High School which is now apartments. South of us there was a murder/suicide near Alexandria.   Is the cold weather becoming too much for some people…perhaps.

I am a sleepwalker, so I can understand how a six year old could make it outside and never make it back inside the house again. The wind chill was –40 F to –50 F that night with temperatures in the –30’s. I used to worry about our girls when they were little, once kids can reach the door knob they can leave the house on their own.  I used to stick a butter knife sideways flat against the door and angle it into the door trim.   It made for a good lock…they couldn’t reach it.  I recall my parents doing the same thing to keep me inside the old farmhouse when I was little.  A simple thing as an everyday butter knife can save a child’s life.

I have my fingers and toes crossed that March will bring warmer temperatures …but I am not holding my breath.

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  1. Well, the last day of February started out here at -8 degrees. Sure hope this is the last of the bitter cold weather. This winter has been brutal. I really do feel this bad weather has taken it's toll on a lot of people. We have been spoiled the last few years with milder winters, so we freak out when it gets this bad. However, like you, I won't hold my breath that it gets better any time soon. Have a great weekend.

  2. February has been a long month for me, too, with my sister passing and my Florida vacation truncated, and then we got a foot of snow, here in River City, not Minnesnowda! :-)

  3. I think this whole year is going to have crazy weather. Sure hope you get a break from the cold soon.
    Love the photo of Chance in your header, making sure the bridge is safe for Far Guy!

  4. Such bitter conditions for so many.
    Wishing you guys a nice, safe weekend.

  5. Oh my. Yes, you will all be glad to kick February to the curb.

  6. Oh, some very sad stories there:( Spring can't get here fast enough. Even here the winter has been 'different' than what has been usual for the past few years. I sure hope you get an early Spring.

  7. Very sad story's ! I don't watch or listen to the news much as there is so much bad things that happen out in the world ! I do love that first photos so pretty ! It is sunny but cold here earlier this morning -25°C but the temps have warmed up thanks to the sun shine and its warmth -16°C the winds are calm so that's good ! Our Robins arrived at the beginning of the month and are still with us so they know spring is on it's way just wish it would hurry up lol ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  8. I am hoping that the weather will begin to moderate soon. I sure am tired of the snow and cold.

  9. So sad to hear about the deaths because of exposure.

    Wyoming is due for more snow and bitter cold this weekend. March is going to come in like a lion!

  10. We hit a record breaking 49 degrees yesterday. It was messy but oh so warm...such strange weather!

  11. I thought I was going to die just walking across the grocery parking lot. I can't imagine wandering out into this weather at night. Our temps are 12 degrees warmer this morning which made the house seem warmer.

  12. I have to agree, I sure hope March looks better. (wishful thinking though)

  13. Afternoon Connie, oh how sad those stories are, such a horrible cold the Chickadee and the blue sky, so pretty, Blessings Francine.

  14. Well, the only thing not depressing about this post is those lovely blue skies, but of course that means cold weather in your part of the world.
    We're going to have a dip back into winter here in a few days too, so lets hope for all of us that winter lets go of its grip soon.

  15. They're till getting snow in Michigan, so I'm guessing March is coming in like a lion for some people.
    Never heard of the butter knife trick. Sounds like it would work well.
    Be safe and stay warm. ♥

  16. Yes , we are saying goodbye to a brutal month. The forecast for the next seven days isn't pleasant either.

  17. I sure hope you get some warm weather soon. Geez, 5 above would be warm!


  18. I think you should start dreaming/planning - - now - - of where you want to be for at least a couple weeks next year during either January or February - - at least break up the winter a bit even if you don't move - - if that's an option to consider. Of course, it would have to be a place where Chance could stay, too.

  19. It seems every year there is a loss to the winter, what a sad situation. That butter knife is a great idea...


  20. This past week, things seemed to be going haywire all over the place--snow or no snow. How sad for the family of that young child...and the 36 year old woman, too :(

    Never heard of your butter knife trick. Will have to keep that in mind for future reference...

  21. we always had a dead bolt to high for kids to reach... but even that gave me anxiety -- because if there was a fire or they needed to escape, the girls wouldn't have been able

  22. So sad about the little girl. Was 12 below when I got up this morning and we have wind chill warnings (40-55 below) till Sunday afternoon. Not promising for warmth any time soon. Stay warm, my friend!!


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