Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cold so what else is new?

As I write this the winds are howling and snow is blowing around.  The wind chills are reported to be –40 below zero.  Just a tad chilly.

One day I needed to vent. Several little things were bothering me. Sometimes little things stack up and bug the crap out of me.

Pyrex is a pretty good name and usually they have a lifetime warranty.

Heat resistant spatula

My Pyrex spatula should not have broken whilst I was stirring a batch of cookies.  Far Guy said “Throw it out and buy a new one.”  I sent a photo and wrote to World Kitchens LLC who put me in touch with Robinson Home Products who bought Pyrex Accessories, I complained and low and behold a week or so later my new spatula showed up in the mail.  The new one is identical although it is not marked Pyrex it still has  a lifetime warranty.  It is stated such on the tag.

Heat resistant spatula

I will keep this tag just incase it happens again. $5.00 is $5.00

Next I confronted the Vectra 3D problem.  We qualified for a rebate in the form of free product.  They sent us just plain Vectra which is just for flea control.  We needed and should have gotten Vectra 3D which we need to control the damn ticks that attack Chance.  I emailed the company about two months ago…no response, then I called and left a message.  I emailed them again and finally got a response …they would make the substitution and I should mail the other product back in a postage paid envelope they would provide.  Easy Peasy..NOT.  The correct replacement came in the mail alright, but the envelope was not postage paid and the envelope was too small for the return product. ARE THEY FREAKING IDIOTS?  I wrote a note suggesting that they didn’t know their product or their butt from a hole in the ground and felt I should not have had to go out and purchase a mailer and postage because of their STUPID mistake. I have not heard back from them.  I suppose I could have just kept both products..but I am honest to a fault sometimes.  I think they should reimburse me for my costs and send an apology in the form of free product or something.  Well $40.00 is $40.00.

So all in all my complaints were handled…some good and some not so good.  Now if I could get  all my weather related complaints handled by email or mail then life would be good.

We are staying warm, we still have sewer, water and electricity many people are not so lucky this year.  The recent high winds took out electricity in many areas. I wonder if the winter will ever end.

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  1. I agree with you....$40.00 is a lot of money to me too! I hope you soon get a break in the weather. I think my part of the world is about to burst out with Spring. Hang on...the snow will eventually melt !!

  2. Mostly these days Customer Service stinks. I would fight for my $40.00 - that is a lot of money to many folks these days. I would not have sent the incorrect product back until they sent me a postage paid envelope that is the correct size. If they are too stupid that is their problem. I try to always do the right thing but sometimes "idiots" make it impossible and that is when I give up.

  3. I am with linda m. She said it very well, and I think you should just wait until somebody sends you the right mailer. But glad you got the spatula so quickly and with no questions asked. :-)

  4. That is good about the spatula , life time is life time and companies should stand by their products . Oh we get Miggs a shot at the vet for the ticks and what not it protects her from getting lime disease not getting ticks on her that part I wish it did they are a pain in the butt to remove ! Our vet told us there is no meds that keep them off the dog just protects them from the disease it's self if they are to bite them . Hope it all gets worked out for you ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  5. Good for you! I am a wimp and usually let things go, but not my husband. He get so annoyed with cheap products and terrible customer service and argues until he gets results! Glad you got a new spatula. Thanks for telling me about "Hank"!

  6. I too have noticed that in several instances, employees of companies or services do not do their job well and make mistakes of various kinds which I have to correct with phone calls.

    We are having -15 degrees here in downtown MPLS this morning. BRRR. City streets clogged with so much snow and some streets getting dangerously narrow. Driving is hazardous and one worries about emergency vehicles being able to get through.

    Shirley H.

  7. Companies should stand behind their products, especially if they have a guarantee. I am proud of you for being persistent. Too many people don't bother and the company not the consumer is the one who profits.

  8. I don't know about the 'winter ending' deal.... I think some folks are simply and unfortunately stuck in a polar vortex and will end up being blown to the county of OZ along with Dorothy and Toto.

  9. No end in site, I am so tired of this cold, Had enough, Francine.

  10. Good for you! I admire your persistence.
    So sorry about the horrid weather.
    Hugs to you guys today.

  11. Glad you got your two product replacements. Sometimes you have to be really persistent. I do not think you should have sent the flea stuff back on your own dime though.
    Years ago I heard or read a story about this guy that had got amazing replacement products from companies, when their products failed or were incomplete. He said the trick was to write a nice, humourous letter to the company. We tried it with something the kids got for Christmas, that was missing a part. We only got the missing part sent to us:(
    The only other time I can think of that is similar was when we had taken our mothers out for Thanksgiving dinner. Larry's mother had taken a doggy bag home, and it turned out they had given her someone else's. I phoned to let them know and they gave us a large gift certificate that was enough for Larry and I to go and have a meal, and also to order a take-out one for his mother. Now it seems that they usually box it up right at the table, or give you the box to do your own.

  12. I sure hope things warm up. That is bitter cold even for us. I am glad that you are keeping warm and busy, and saving money too!

  13. Good on you fro working on these problems. Too many people would throw things in the garbage.

  14. Well, spring is a little ways away. Easter is fairly late this year. Hopefully winter will end.
    I didn't even know pyrex made spatulas, haha. Where have I been.
    It's good you complained. :-)
    Have a good day and stay warm!

  15. I really find it amusing to have them send a rebate check in postcard form. They make it look like junk mail and then you just might toss it rather than redeem it. I wonder how much money we lose because we don't deal with the company and their faulty product.

  16. I am impressed that you are such a strong consumer advocate for yourself!
    And howling winds and 40 below zero would make me crabby too!

  17. -19 here last night and the wind was brutal. Ugh.
    I say you have done your part and unless the postage paid mailer arrives without anymore work on your part, donate it to the animal shelter. My 2 cents!

  18. I'm glad you got a bit of satisfaction. My opinion is that customer service is no longer in style. Sorry about the freezing cold too- I'd send some warmth, but it was 15 this morning and hasn't warmed up too much since.

  19. It is always wonderful when the companies stand behind their products! We do run into it occasionally :) now the weather - it would be so much easier for many if it just wasn't sooo cold. I am also thankful that I have running water and a working sewer (knock on wood) -- our big dog is confused she is blowing her coat big time (I keep telling her it is way to cold yet)

  20. Cute spatula! And nice of them to send you a new one.

  21. I would be in the nut house by now...winter is just way too much for me. You are of sturdy stock!


  22. At least you had one prompt response with the new spatula. One out of two is pretty good odds these days. ;)
    $40 is a big chunk of money in my world. Stick to your guns. You should not have to pay to return their product. If they want it--they can do something to get it back. :)


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