Friday, January 24, 2014


If you happen to be a Border Collie you spend a fair amount of time waiting.

Far Guy went to a meeting, it was too cold to go to town so Chance and I stayed home.   We waited, and he sighed, and sighed some more.  He is just not himself without his best buddy.

Even though it was below zero we went out to play ball.


He waits for me to lob the ball in his direction.

Happy Chance Jan 23 2014

Ah he is a happy boy now, his tail is up and he is so proud bringing back that ball.

snow on his nose

He ignores me and my camera, but I still capture the snow melting off his nose.

We played until he was cold and ready to quit, he dropped the ball and went and curled up right in front of the door so I couldn’t possibly go inside without him …his signal that he was done.  I did a few more chores outside while he patiently waited for me.

It was –38 F on Thursday morning…that is –38C.  Friday our high is supposed to be A POSITIVE 30 F or –1C.  68 degrees difference in 30 that is unbelievably weird weather worth waiting for.  I pretty much have to see that 30 degree weather to believe it.  So we are waiting…

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  1. I can't wait for this cold weather to be gone. It was minus 8 this morning. Yesterday's high was 4 degrees. Guess I'm just not a cold weather person - causes to many aches and pains. Have a great weekend.

  2. 30 degrees will feel balmy, if you actually get there. That's a huge spread of temperatures! Love those pictures of Chance. :-)

  3. Sweet photos of Chance. Glad he had a little time outdoors. I surely hope you see a warm up soon!

  4. Oh yes, the pathetic border collie looks and sighs! I know them well!
    Those kind of temperature changes are common in Alberta, the Chinook winds come in from the Pacific and push all that warm air over the Great Divide, gather speed down the eastern slopes and nail the prairies. Sometimes the temperature swings take less than an hour.

  5. My nephew had several border collies over the years. They really do get attached to one person, but thankfully they tolerate others who will play with them. Stay warm.

  6. Oh Connie, what a cold spell you are sitting through. Good for you to get outside, you have some lovely shots of Chance. Brrrrr do you have to keep the vehicles plugged in ?


  7. Just to cold, looks like you have no wind, and that makes for fun in the cold snow?

  8. Always looking for the bright least it's sunny:) You can't keep a good border collie down!

  9. We, too, are cold, but your is much worse. I read those numbers, and I freeze!! Poor chance -- glad he had some fun.

  10. Oh, look at all of that wondrous snow! What a wonderful view to have and it looks like your buddy is having fun.

  11. I am longing for a heat wave, anything above the freezing mark would be nice.

    Chance looks so happy out in the snow.

  12. Oh Chance is so cute, even in all that snow....Blessings Francine.

  13. That is very cold. I don't know how one survives it. Barney won't go out into the strong winds. He isn't easy to trick but I get all dressed up and get his leash to go for a walk. I walk around the house with him and then put him in the backyard and I go inside. Chance is a such a great looking dog. We are a lot warmer today than for a long time.

  14. Ryker spends a good bit of time waiting as well. He sighs, he grumbles, occasionally he yips. Right now we are like you and waiting for the weather to change. Rain, rain, go away...waiting for cooler temps and snow.

  15. Hope you get the big warm up. Chance is so pretty.

  16. What a beautiful dog chance is. And -38?! Really, how can anything live through that kind of cold. I guess it's good that there is a blanket of snow on the ground.

  17. Snow! Chance you are one super handsome dog in that snow!


  18. practically a heat wave. My sisters' Dairy Queen opens for SPRING in Roseville MN in february! We laugh …..You are a hearty breed

  19. We get the extreme variation in temperature because of the chinooks. Today was 12 C ( over 5 F).
    If we watch our dogs they tell us a lot.

  20. You definitely deserve a warmup! Nitty does the same with her frisbee....drops it and walks away when she's had enough.

  21. Don't you love how animals can be happy with almost any weather just naturally?
    Stay warm and have a wonderful week!

  22. It did get into the 30s but it was so windy that it was hard to believe. The snow melting off the roof was proof, though--LOL! Chance is just plain wonderful. :)


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