Saturday, January 25, 2014

Chance: Visitors

Hiya!  It’s me Chance the blogging Border Collie.   I have visitors. 
Friends visiting
They like to play ball too!  Miney is the boss and she gets first picks of the balls that are thrown.  I wait patiently in the background just incase she misses one or decides to sit down and clear out one of her snow filled paws.

Little Elvis is the trailblazer, out in front is a good place for him.  If he is behind he grabs my tail or my leg.  You know how hard it is to run with a Little Elvis attached to your tail putting on the skids?
Playing ball
It got up to 27 F today or –2 C and it snowed.  It was a great day to play ball!  One day that was all we got as the dreaded wind started blowing the snow around and no travel was advised on Friday evening. Oh well I can’t go anyplace anyway I have company!


  1. 27 would be a heat wave around here.

  2. That's a whole lot warmer than it was a few days ago in your part of the woods. Looks like you were having fun, Chance! :-)

  3. Looks like you guys have been having a great time . Miggs isn't happy as we have been having high winds and snow blowing everywhere and it has made big drifts every where so it is hard for her to go outside other then to do her business no playing to windy ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  4. I always enjoy seeing your company, Chance. It must be a lot of fun when you're an only dog. Yes that wind is coming our way soon. We went up to 36 degrees and then it is dropping again in less than 12 hours. You are going to be tired after having company. Take care.

  5. Morning Chance, looks like you are having a great time outside with your visitors, nice warm day, Hugs Francine.

  6. Hi Chance, Have fun with your friends!

  7. Hi Chance! Good to see you! The snow is so beautiful. I bet its so fun to frolic with your friends. My doggie here in California never got to see the snow.

  8. Chance, your visitors look happy to be at your house. Have fun!

  9. A heat wave! Jake and Luna would give a sheltie all kinds of grief if they took any such liberties with them. Ball play is very serious 'work' around here, and heaven help those that interfere.

  10. I love watching dogs frolicking in the snow! Looks as if the three of you had a great time!

  11. Hi! So great to hear from you. Annie and I have been wondering how you've been dealing with the cold. It's been cold here too but not as cold as you! I had surgery so Mom's been fussing over me and won't let me stay out long as she doesn't want me laying down outside on my stitches. They're starting to itch too and she's on me about licking them. I'll be glad when they take them out next Friday. I'm fine though and raring to go but she won't throw my frisbee either...oh, well. I'm done taking the pills though, thank goodness! I was getting good at it too.
    Glad you have company at least if you can't be out much. Did I tell you we have new friends? Missy and Ricky moved in next door. Their folks built an anchor fence around their place. We weren't sure if it was to keep us out or to keep Ricky and Missy in. LOL! Ricki isn't very friendly but Missy is a puppy and I have such a good time with her. Finally someone who will run with me. We run back and forth..FAST, along the fence line...her on one side and me on the other. Of course, Mom won't let me since the surgery until the doc okays it but before that Missy and I had a ball! She barks for me to come out and play whenever she's let out.
    Enjoy your company and keep those paws warm! Annie says hi to all of you too. Bark at ya later!

  12. I am longing for a tropical heat wave right now. Chance is so cute!

  13. Chance, I am glad you had some friends come over and you all got to play outside! You're a good friend!

  14. I love the way Chance hunkers down... that Border Collie stance! They are amazing dogs!

  15. They did the same thing here Thursday night. Even closed part of a highway. Closed all the schools and a lot of businesses, too.
    Glad you got to see Miney and Little Elvis and play in the snow!
    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  16. Oh Chance, you made me laugh...when you described how hard it is to run with Little Elvis hanging on.


  17. Chance, dogs like you can have a lot of fun when other dogs visit. You look happy.

  18. Looks like a lot of fun. You're lucky to have such a big garden to play in.

  19. I just love your HUGE doggy smiles!!!!


  20. Chance, you are so patient with Little Elvis...and Miney, too.
    Glad it was a warmer day for all of you. :)

  21. Chance - - - So glad you got to have a "sleep-over"! Sounds like it was fun. Question - - - when you go inside after being out in the snow - - - and you have snow on your fur and in your paws, do you have to stay in a certain area until you thaw - - - or do you get rubbed down with dry towels? I know you get brushed regularly because your fur is beautiful in a handsome sort of way!


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