Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stone Makers

I am a stone maker.  So are my daughters.  It is a very painful thing to pass on to your children.  I drink lemonade every day to keep my PH at a level that won’t make stones and I drink lots of water. 

Kidney Stones are no fun.  People in the Midwest are more prone to them than any other people in the country.

Jen is attempting to pass a 6mm stone. She has been to the ER and they sent her home to see if she can pass it on her own.  The stone left her kidney on Friday and it is on it’s way to her bladder. That is a pretty big stone.  I am not sure she can do it on her own.  We wait.  Our bags are packed and we are ready to go if needed.

Temperance River Rocks

I remember the pain of my first stone like it was yesterday.  I would have preferred to birth half a dozen babies.   I was lucky I was able to pass all of my stones by myself.  Only one episode involved a hospital stay, and since I am not a model patient they were glad to see me go home.

I hope Jen can avoid surgery and a hospital stay.  Please say a prayer for her and think positive thoughts.  If you wish to leave her a get well message here is the link to her blog East Side Professor:)


  1. Praying for Jen. Keep us posted. I'll leave a note on her blog too.

  2. Morning, sending prayers for Jen, Blessings Francine.

  3. I hope things go well and quickly for Jen. I popped over to look at her blog, and it seems you have not only passed on the stone trait, but her prose seems much like yours. You can surely be proud of that. :)

  4. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Jen. Fortunately I have never had a stone, but Mr. Dreamy passed one and was literally brought to his knees. More Good thoughts for Jen

  5. I've never had a stone, but my friends who have had them describe it much like you - intense and extended pain. Praying that Jen's body expels the stone easily and quickly.

    Interesting that those living in the Midwest get more stones. I wonder why. . .

  6. Ufff! Not fun. I don't know anything about kidney stones, except that they HURT! Wishing her well.

  7. My husband gets kidney stones, and he says the pain is excruciating. Prayers that she heals quickly!

  8. Prayers for Jen that it passes quickly and with as little pain as possible. YUCK! I've heard horror stories about them.

  9. Some of us don't know how lucky we are. I hope she gets better soon.

  10. Praying for Jen, I certainly hope that it passes soon, and she gets better quickly.


  11. My husband and oldest son have both had them. Saying a prayer. ♥

  12. Oh gosh - sounds so very painful. Sending her a prayer.

  13. Positive thoughts to Jen. I've heard it can be incredibly painful:(

  14. Praying for your daughter's pain, and wisdom for her doctors.

  15. I had one, too, long ago. It was indeed worse than giving birth, but as big as it was, it passed by itself. Can't they break them up with beams now? Sending her my best wishes to get over this soon.

  16. Prayers, magic thoughts and healing wishes going to your daughter NOW!!!


  17. Prayers for Jen!!
    In our family it's gall stones and cataracts. Kidney stones are worse from what I hear.
    I hope she doesn't need surgery.
    Love and hugs!

  18. Oh, poor Jen.....thoughts and prayers for her! I thought they could zap them with lasers now and it was a done deal so you didn't have to suffer like that? Where's high tech when you need it?


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