Saturday, November 9, 2013

Girl’s Ice Hockey

Two of the Grand girls play Ice Hockey.  Savannah is a Senior this year and Paige is a Freshman.  They are both on the Varsity team.

Last night was their first game.

Players box Savannah and Paige

Savannah and Paige in the players box.


Paige on the ice, she got some ice time or “reps” …you can tell I do not know the finer points of Hockey.  I watch for the girls to jump out of the players box and then I see what kind of photos I can get.

Paige and the puck

Paige and the puck.   Paige is a really good player, she was younger when she started playing…I think she was in first or second grade when she began playing.  She had some real good coaches who taught her the hockey skills she needed for a really good foundation in girls hockey.

Savannah and a Teammate 

Savannah on the right and another teammate.

Savannah Number 6

Savannah is a very aggressive player.  Can you see the puck in between the hockey sticks on top of that yellow board?  She got a little ice time..not much.  She was primed and ready to play.  She was discouraged. We encouraged her, the season has just begun.  They lost their first game 4-0.  Kinda a bummer for them all.


It was snowy when we left home, the snow was melting and then sticking to the roads, by the time we made it to Bemidji several inches of snow had accumulated and the roads were slick.  It was a slow trip there and a slow trip back home, we saw one car in the ditch…not bad for as slippery as it was.

It was good to watch the girls play.  We stayed to visit with them after the game.  It is always nice to get those hugs:)

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  1. Glad you got to see the game and made it home safely. Thanks for sharing the photos of the girls. I can't imagine playing on the ice!

  2. Morning, so happy you made it back home safely, snow falling here this A.M.......How great the girls are playing hockey, love that, love hockey, Blessings Francine.

  3. They may have lost, but they have nowhere to go but up! I hope they're not too discouraged. I remember them from years past, with your pictures showing how much they've grown! :-)

  4. Too bad their team lost, but its early! There will be lots of wins in the future. Glad you made it home OK. Its been snowing here too!! About an inch on the ground!!! grrrrrrrrrrrr

  5. Awesome photos ! I used to play hockey for many years on a team from a small town I lived by as I was on a farm at the time we were the Inglewood Wolverines , when I was younger oh from 12 years old to 17 years old till I blew my knee . My brother and friends also played hockey and he still does from time to time with the old guy's lol I haven't been to a local hockey game in years they are the best better the the pros ! Good for them go get em girls . Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  6. These are really good pictures! I can't imagine icy roads already! But then, I am in North Carolina. Stay safe!

  7. Your action shots are fun to see. How lucky the girls are to have their Grandma and Grandpa watching their games.

  8. What fun to watch your grand girls playing hockey! Good for them, and good for you for going to their games.
    Snow and ice already! You are plunged into winter rapidly there in the north country. Of course we are actually farther north here in Seattle, but the marine air keeps us more temperate. It's dark, though. Stay safe.

  9. I enjoyed the action shots so much. I am sorry their team lost but they will have better luck next time.

  10. That is a foreign sport around here. We do have two profession hockey teams down here and most of the are Minnesota players. It makes it fun to get the action shots and I bet a little bit of a challenge.

  11. I don't understand the finer points of hockey, but I enjoy watching the action.

    I agree - hugs are the best!

  12. I like girls hockey better than men's hockey. There's more action with girls...passing, puck carrying. Guys spend all their time hitting and checking.
    They look good out there.

  13. Tom and I went to lots of soccer games when the grandchildren were in school. Not much hockey around here. find other entertainment.

  14. Nice action shots, especially the one with ponytails flying!

  15. Nice photos....By the end of the season you will have a whole lot of memories recorded for the girls. High school hockey is about the only kind I ever enjoyed watching. College is a little too fast for me to follow and pro is just too full of fights. Go girls!

  16. Good for your grand daughters! I was always in athletics but we couldn't compete except against ourselves. The boys could but then Title 9 came along but that was after I was grown. I never thought it was fair back then so I love to see girls and women out there showing them how it's done! LOL! Glad you got home safe but glad you're able to see their games.


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