Friday, November 22, 2013

Bone Chilling Cold

We go from one extreme to the other.  Yesterday it was bone chilling cold, we had a little snow on the ground when we woke up.  20 F or – 6C was the high today..a real bummer.

Even if it was cold the sun was out for a bit so I ventured out to the old vegetable greenhouse which is now a woodshop.  I am trying to make a few Christmas gifts.  I might get them done in the next thirty four days.

I also worked on projects here in the house, the ones I call “No one notices but me”  the ones that bug only me.  Papers and notes and things shoved here and there when I am working.

Time to clear out the old lady summer bag and get out the old lady winter bag.  The epi pens don’t need to follow me everywhere in the winter…cause the freaking bees went south! If any of you carry epi pens for allergies you know what I mean they take up lots of space.

winter bag

This is my winter bag.  It doubles as survival gear, if needed I can dump it out and wear it as a hat or a foot warmer.  I think it is some kinda shrunken or felted wool.  I bought it at a neighbors garage sale for a dollar.  It will match everything I wear…no big matchy matchy choices for me. What do I keep in here?  My Kindle, Kleenex, a pencil, Aleve, extra medication for Far Guy, some almonds, gum, hairbrush, Carmex, toothpicks and an extra pair of sunglasses should I be blinded by the sun.

In the next few days I need to pack some survival gear for both vehicles:  extra mittens, a candle, matches and some snacks…it will all fit in a coffee can.  We already have an extra blanket or two in both vehicles.  We usually don’t venture out if the weather turns bad, but I would rather be safe than sorry:)

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  1. Brrrr, bone chilling here to....I like your winter bag, pretty.....I to keep a big tin with survivial things, one never knows in the extreme cold, even in the city, Blessings Francine.

  2. It is snowing here right now. I have a survival kit in my car and my purse. Can't be too careful when venturing out at my age. Ha ha

  3. Love your header . Oh I do like that hand made bag . Our weather here has been warm and rainy for a few days and the temps this morning are 7°C or 45°F warm for us this time of year . This weekend is looking cold and snowy the weather we should be having for this time of year . I don't mind snow and cold if the sun is shining ! Thanks for sharing . Stay cozy and have a good weekend !

  4. I hardly have a chance to admire your header before a new one shows up. Nice ones, though, so I'm happy. It was cold here yesterday and last night, too. But the difference is I know ours will warm up, while your temps will continue to fall. It's Minnesota after all! :-)

  5. Love that bag, yes its a felted bag and for a dollar, you got a fantastic deal. I hope you never have to use the car survival kit.

  6. I don't miss having to pack a survival can one bit. ;)

  7. You would make an awesome boy scout!

  8. It is rainy and cold here this morning with a chance of snow. I like your survival bag!

  9. That is some handbag! Ha ha! Very pretty and colorful and can carry everything but the kitchen sink and that too if necessary! Never know when you might need it. Shirley H.

  10. The coffee can emergency pack for the car is a great idea! I'm going to have to do that.

  11. You are smart to carry things in your cars... one never knows! I need to do the same thing, but like you, I don't go out intentionally in bad weather. I heard some horrifying stories about a blizzard in our area a half dozen years ago that stranded people on the roads. It didn't sound like fun.

  12. Good reminder; one fall chore I haven't done!

  13. Connie, you got warmer then we did But I am sure that you got colder at night...

    I need to put the survival gear into the trucks today. Almost forgot, and I guess I can take out the sunscreen, believe me we won't be needing that for another 8 months.


  14. Yes brrrrr - I have gotten to some of this naggy projects inside too --- one is dusting (I hate it) :)

  15. I hear the cold front is headed south! I think the bees may have arrived too! :) Good post. I needed a smile this morning.

  16. I love that cheery bag, and I hope you don't have to use it or your survival kit in an emergency.

  17. Sounds like my bag -- I keep similar items there.

  18. I love your felted wool bag: you definitely got a bargain! It will only get stronger with use.

    The same cold front dropped in to visit my area, too. It is time to check the trunk to see if the winter kit needs updating.

  19. So many of you are experiencing winter weather...brrr! I love your bag for you day to day necessities and I'm glad you have emergency kits in both cars. What books do you enjoy on kindle?
    Hope the weekend is nice.

  20. Now you know how feel. It's minus 10 C here this morning. I think I could mix and match if I had a bag like that. I like it that the bag is garage sale for a dollar.

  21. I am already feeling the pain of winter and dreading it. I know that I will survive some of it but I don't like to go out in it anymore. I didn't sweep the walks today just to be rebellious. Maybe tomorrow I will hit them. Take care and stay inside.

  22. That's a great bag! Looks hand knit and possibly hand dyed and then felted down. Cool! Or maybe I should say "warm" :-).

    1. I thought it looked knitted too! Beautiful colors!

  23. Love your stripey felted bag! Somebody did a lot of work for $1. You got a real bargain!

  24. Crazy weather...was 3 degrees F yesterday, today it is raining, it will all freeze tonight and we will be skating everywhere!
    Love your winter bag!

  25. Good planning. Stay warm and have a wonderful weekend!

  26. The winter bag is great! I love the colors. I always think that I should prepare an emergency kit for our car--but somehow have never actually gotten around to it. This post motivates me to try to do it this year.

  27. That high of 20 is not so high! We are enjoying cold, clear weather right now, but it doesn't call for survival gear!

  28. We have 4 inches of snow here with more to come. It's a wet snow. I also have my youngest grandchild coming to spend the day...I wonder if a snowman is in the works! :)


  29. Yes! COLD! We need some snow insulation--LOL! Time to change purses, drag out all the winter coat accessories, winterize the vehicles, and stockpile. ;)

  30. Dual purpose! I've been wearing my ear flap hat for the last few days, we've hit our annual cold snap and weather inversion. It is actually warmer in the mountains right now than in the lowlands. Genius Dirt, who has to understand all things weather because of his work did such a tidy job explaining it to me, All I know is I can't wait for it to undo, I don't mind the cold, but all my kin folk closer in are not allowed to use their wood stoves. We're in the same county but no one comes out here to give us giant tickets.

  31. I love that bag and I love felted wool.


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