Thursday, November 21, 2013

50 degrees

Wow what a nice day it was yesterday!  Nice enough to clean out Far Guys vehicle one last time before winter.  All the doggy prints were washed off the windows.  How one medium sized dog can leave so many nose prints on the windows or leave so much of his hair behind is beyond me.  That vehicle was detailed just a few months ago.  I think I did a better job than they did.

I fashioned a very washable seat cover for the back seat..someone might get chilled whilst riding in the vehicle..even though he always carries his own coat!  I made two out of an old cheap store bought quilt.  I cut the quilt in half, sewed up the edges and cut holes for it to go over the head rests and then sewed up those isn’t fancy but it will do the job and maybe even survive a washing or two.  I had a major fight with the &^%* sewing machine and busted threads..but I eventually won. Me and sewing is always an adventure.The Road home

We ran an errand to town, the sun sets here at 4:41 PM now, it makes for a long evening.  Chance and I played outside after dark. We were both sad to see such a nice day come to an end.  Chance had quite a day, since we were both outside, he had to keep track of us both and play ball many times.

The sunshine was just heavenly!  I sure wish this nice weather would last about three months:)

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  1. It was very nice here yesterday also. Very clever of you to make a washable car seat out of quilts. I paid once to have my car detailed and if I say so myself, I can do a better job. It is just way too much work and I don't have the time. Lucky chance getting to play outside.

  2. Beautiful capture of the sunset. I hate when it gets dark so early, want to put my jammies on before dinner, but I refrain and wait for a while!!!

  3. It was sunny and cold here yesterday. I couldn't get warm all day inside the house, but when I went to the car, the warm sun had made it toasty warm inside! It was heavenly. Today we will hike in weather much below normal, with the high somewhere around 38. But the sun will be shining! :-)

  4. Wow, that is a beautiful day, love the picture to.....Cold here now, more snow last night, Blessings Francine.

  5. Love the homemade seat cover idea - don't know why I never thought of that before! You really should post a photo ;)

  6. My mom just washed the "dog seat cover" (an old blanket) from their car after a long car trip - it clogged up the washer (drain) and the dryer (lint screen) even after she spread it out and vacuumed it twice!!

    Such a hairy dog!! LOL!

  7. I think Emma's hair is permanently imbedded in my back seat. :(

  8. Glad you a warm sunny nice day. Yuk! I have a filthy car waiting to be cleaned!!! :) Someone spilled sweet inside it!

  9. Yesterday was beautiful - I had a good portion of the morning off for a dentist appt I should have taken the entire day off - it was awesome - I did sneak in a couple of clean windows and now today it is freezing!

  10. Good job on the seat cover. We have a cheapy waterproof cover for the back seat, with a heavy quilt thing laid on the seat for more comfort. The hair and dirt still seems to make it's way past that. Glad you won the battle with the sewing machine! You were warmer there than we are. We are in the same system as DJan, below freezing at night, and sunny and just above freezing during the day. We'll happily take the dry, cool and sunny over our usual November rain, and I just checked and it is staying like that for the next week at least!

  11. What a beautiful end-of-day shot. Hooray for a beautiful day and things getting done!

  12. Glad that you soaked up the warmth and the sunshine; too bad, it can't be stored and then released mid-winter.

  13. You've got talent and creativity with your sewing. We had minus 29 C two mornings ago. Hoe come you get so lucky to have a 50 F day?

  14. 50 degrees sounds heavenly, so cold here now. I have having titers done on Ryker and then signing him up for the indoor swimming pool for dogs so he can get a good workout when it is sub-zero here.

  15. Yesterday was lovely here too. Today it is pouring down rain again!

  16. Yes, there are not many nice days left. It gets darker so early with the time change. We have sleet this afternoon.

  17. It's gorgeous here to....sunny and cold, can you thank Canada for this weather, Ann mentioned that it was from US...hey I take credit for sun anyday.

    It gets dark here around 4, so consider yourself fortunate to have those extra 41 minutes.

    [From your fancy cooking friend, snort].


  18. We "played" outside too, in the cold sunshine. I love it when it gets cold and DRY here.

  19. We had a similar day over here on Tuesday - bright, blue but cold. Even more precious because such days are rare gems in what is increasingly becoming a wet and dull time of year.

  20. Oh, you and me both! I need some sunshine to just feel good.


  21. What a drastic change from one day to the next. We are having cooler, foggy weather. Bad hair days!!!
    The nights are sure boring and long in winter. I've been going to bed before 10.

  22. Yup! It was a fleeting nice day. I wish we had a few more of those, too. It's back to feeling like January again. ;)

  23. Lovely shot!

    Our sun is setting at around 15.30 so the nights are pretty long!


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