Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wistful Wednesday: 1917

My Father In Law was three years old back in 1917.  He had a cousin just about his age.  They were good playmates.

Last winter I took the time to write to a relative of that playmate/cousin and offered to share the old photographs.  Most likely they thought I was weird.  I didn’t hear back from them.  I guess it takes a special kind of person to look back on old photographs as part of your history…Marvin 3 years old (2)

Young boys once, playing in the farm yard.  Cousins because their parents were brother and sister.  James and Mattie…Marvin and Francis… A machinist in the B-26 Bomber plant and a WWII Veteran.  Born two months apart in in August the other in October.  They died thirteen years in 1994 and the other in 1981.  One had three brothers and one was an only child.

Marvin 3 years (2)

One lived in Minnesota and the other in Iowa.  Cousins, playing horse at the farm just down the road ninety-six years ago.  Little boys long gone but in this photograph they remain little boys forever:)  

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  1. Morning, oh I love the farm old black and white pictures... the boys are so cute, Francine.

  2. I love looking at old photos and trying to imagine what people were like/thinking at that time.

  3. Almost a hundred years ago now. I love your old pictures and agree that they are valuable to their descendants, just remembering how they were once upon a time. Caught forever playing horse.

  4. Such precious boys and wonderful pictures.

  5. How odd you didn't hear back from them. The high regard that some people hold for old photographs, including myself, make it hard to understand those who are unaffected by an ancient snapshot of an ancestor.

  6. I am grateful for those who find pictures of myself and family at an earlier time. So many of us never had copies of some pictures or lost them along the way when moving or in flooded basements etc. Shirley H.

  7. It's hard to understand why someone would not want old photos of their relatives, but I am certainly glad that you do because I enjoy your posts here and on Forgotten Old Photos.

  8. I always get excited seeing old photo of my relatives!! (not photos of me, however!)

    I know so little about so many of them - I want to learn more - why they moved where/when they did - and how they got into the careers they had... all of that. I also seeing other folks "back in the day" - some of it is wistfulness in that I don't have a similar set of photos!! and some of it is to learn about how things were different back then!

  9. I recently contacted someone re returning a long ago photo and got the same NON response. I would be thrilled if someone contacted me with such a treasure.

  10. Indeed. I done the same thing for several of my cousins. Always with a grateful response.

  11. It wasn't weird. It was a very nice gesture that should have received some sort of response. I would welcome old photos of my family anytime.

  12. They should have at least thanked you for the offer...

  13. Frozen in time as two little boys. It's too bad there wasn't a response on the other end and the story may be filled out.

  14. Lovely post and old photos ! A shame they didn't get back to you . History of family is very important and can be very interesting to ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  15. So well stated--and true. It may take a special person to appreciate looking back on this tangible record of our history, but you seem to have a knack of gathering a good number of those special people together through your blogs. Thanks for encouraging others to take heed to that special kind of history-keeping.

  16. Wonderful old photos.Perhaps it does take a special type of person - that's what you and the other lovers of old photographs are - special.

  17. Looks like a big garden in the background with something growing on the poles. Love the homegrown haircuts, too. How precious to have these treasures!

  18. Wow! My dad was born in November 1920 and will be 93 this year. He grew up on a farm in Minnesota with a little brother. Sorry--I am a bit wistful too, I guess, having just seen him on a recent visit. You really made me stop and think how old he is. These pictures are priceless family history. :)


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