Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Chance: Self Serve Dog Spa

Yes, you heard that right.  Far Side found a place you can take a dog for a bath and not make a huge mess at home.  Far Side said I wasn’t quite as handsome as I could be, and she thought my fur felt grungy.  I had to curtail the big chipmunk hunt.  She made Far Guy come along to the “spa.”

I have been to that place before. The last time I was left there for the afternoon.  This time I walked right into THAT room and up the ramp into the shower..I astounded them all.  Well I am a Border Collie and we are pretty smart as dogs go.

Well…they double teamed me…what Far Guy wasn’t washing Far Side was rinsing.  The “Spa” provides the hypoallergenic shampoo that I needed and towels ...lots of towels.  Then I was blown dry.  Far Side finally said “Gosh you feel good to pet again.” She looked funny covered in hair.   I guess I am “blowing my coat”..otherwise known as shedding a lot…most likely from the hot spell we had a few weeks back.


After the bathWe came home and they brushed and brushed..until I was deemed the most handsome Border Collie in all of the Midwest Minnesota.

I went right back to chipmunk patrol duty.

Waiting for chippys


  1. You look so handsome!

  2. Most handsome...and sparkly too. The white in your coat is practically gleaming. Far Side and Far Guy are excellent spa shampooers. Oh Chance, you look even more huggable than ever.

  3. Morning You Beautiful Boy, you look marvelous!!!! Francine.

  4. Oh, you do look so handsome!

  5. What an adventure. Chance you are by far the most handsome dog in the midwest. Sure hope you get that chipmunk.

  6. Wow! That last picture shows what a fine looking coat you have, Chance. And yes, you are certainly a smart dog! :-)

  7. You do look very lovely in your black and white, and fluffy too. I know it's rude to comment on someone's weight, but me thinks that Far Side and Far Guy are being pretty liberal with the dog treats:) Or maybe that is all fur?

  8. How nice of them not to post any embarrassing pictures of you all wet in the tub.

  9. You're such a cutie, Chance! You must be extremely well behaved to stay so still during your treatments!

  10. Love the glamor shots - Chance, you are hands down the most handsome Border Collie in Minnesota!

  11. You are a lucky dog that Far Side will look after you well and keep you comfortable and clean.

  12. I think you can annex Wisconsin and North Dakota too Chance!!

    :) You are a fine looking dog!

  13. Yes you are!
    Don't come down here though. We've been 101 the last couple days.
    Good luck, Chance!

  14. A very handsome fellow indeed. Keep up the good work with those chipmunks.

  15. Oh no, I think the most handsome Border Collie ever! :)

    Thanks so much for the visit and your comment. It's great to get back in touch with old friends. Hope you and the Far Guy are doing well!

  16. Very handsome pooch all cleaned and dried. Having had a GSD *German Shedding Dog, we know all about this time of the year....:)

  17. What a beautiful coat! I bet you smell good, too.

  18. Miss Iris needs to go to the dog spa too!

  19. Oh wow! Washed and brushed you really are the most handsome dog in the Midwest! Now that they found the self-serve dog wash you may be in and out more often--LOL! ;)

  20. The cleanest and fluffiest Border Collie in Minnesota, as well as the most handsome :-)


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