Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pea Party

There was a gathering…a party in the peas. 

Pea Field

We sat on the country road and watched.  Chance hung his head out the window and sniffed the air…I think they were too far away for him to see.

Five deer

AT first we thought there were just five.

Six deer

There were six deer in that party. Six tick factories.

I am still struggling with the Lymes.  I am on my second round of antibiotics. I got too tired and too achy and sore to continue fighting it by myself.  I spoke with a good friend who is a nurse and my Doctor; they agreed that a second thirty day round of Doxycycline was appropriate.  I will be fine.  In a week or two I should feel like a new person.  In the meantime I will just keep plugging away:)

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  1. After you finish with all those antibiotics (and feel like a new person), you should remember to take some probiotics to build your good flora back up. I hope you will be back to your old self soon!

  2. Take care Connie. I know all about Lymes disease. I fought it for a long time a few years back. I know how it whips your butt and zaps every bit of energy you have, then throws in some joint pain for added measure. When the doxycycline failed to clear mine up, I had to take IV antibiotics over a course of 6 weeks. I finally felt better, but still have some residual joint problems.

  3. That Lymes disease sounds awful. I hope I never get it.

  4. I think mine is still hanging on too. Doxy is the last thing the doc gave me. It seemed to work better than the other big guns they had tried. I may have to return for another round.

    Great pictures. Heal soon.

  5. They are harvesting the peas! We are about to begin the pintos!

    I wish I could send you health...sending your prayers and magic thoughts and good vibrations. Hope you feel better soon, Connie!


  6. I'm sorry. Hope you can rest some this weekend.

  7. Hope this round of medication ZAPS the Lymes for once and for all!

  8. Bummer on the Lymes. I know of a couple of people in our area who have battled it and it can be awful what it does to a person. Hoping yours clears up completely and soon - - especially before cold weather sets in.

  9. I feel badly for you. So difficult fighting disease. Good for you for going back to the doctor!
    Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario

  10. I hope you feel completely well soon!

  11. Lymes is quite a serious situation. We have ticks here but I very seldom hear of anybody with Lymes. It's surprising to see six together at this time of year. Get better fast!

  12. I missed your post about Lyme's - that was when we were out of the country. OMG, I am so sorry. I do hope this new round of antibiotics kicks its butt! I hope you begin to feel new energy. Good luck!

  13. Hope you get better soon, Connie. Will say a prayer for you. ♥

  14. Hope the antibiotic does it's job quickly and you feel well again. Lyme disease sounds awful.

  15. So sorry to hear the tiny tick got you. Those deer are beautiful in the pea field. I saw a young doe on a trail this weekend and we stood there the longest time looking at each other. When I slllllowly tried to raise my camera, it spooked he and she bounded away.

  16. That's such a tricky disease! I have known people who ended up in the hospital! so sorry to hear that the first round didn't finish off the bugger. This time will work for sure!!

    Deer are beautiful. Even if they are tick taxis. ;)

  17. Buggers on the continued issues, but I'm glad you are taking care of it. Antibiotics are a good thing, I have appreciated them a time or two in my life. Eat lots of probiotics, but of course you know that.

  18. No wonder you refer to those lovely creatures as tick factories. I'm glad that is something we don't have to worry about right around here.
    Hoping the antibiotics work fast.


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