Friday, August 16, 2013

Mallard Babies

On a recent trip to town we stopped by Dairy Queen for a sundae.  Cherry for me and Hot Fudge for Far Guy.   We always go through the drive through, I manage a sundae in both hands until we arrive at our favorite sundae eating spot down by the river.  Chance knows I will share with him..but Far Guys chocolate is off limits.

We watch the water or kids and dogs in the park, or ducks.

four ducks

A mama Mallard led her family out of the water then she headed back to the water for a bath.  She splashed and splashed.  Water flew everywhere.  The reeds were tall, I was hesitant to get too close…a long time ago I am sure I was chased by a duck.

The babies stayed huddled together on shore.

Two Ducks

As far as I could tell there were four babies.  Good sized and already resembling their mother.  I watched where I stepped and was grateful for plastic shoes that are easy to wash off.  There was poop everywhere.  I am certain it must be from all the adult Canada Geese and not from these cute little guys:)

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  1. Sweet photos. The sundaes sound delicious. Hope you guys have a relaxing weekend.

  2. They are cute. Nice place to sit and enjoy a sundae with your two favorite fellas.

  3. They are adorable! And of course it was the Canada geese who made the mess, not these sweet little ones! :-)

  4. Cute photo, cute baby ducks and a sundae to go with it. Doesn't get any better.

  5. Awww.... so cute. What fun to take a sweet treat to a pretty place on a summer's day.

  6. Yep, those Canada Geese are messy so and so's. Even us Canadians will admit to that!

  7. Sounds like a perfect spot to enjoy your ice creams and nature . Lovely photos !I cant eat Dairy queen Ice cream at least the soft stuff something in it makes me ill but I can eat regular ice cream . We have a little ma & pop ice cream shop just up the road from us in a small port town called Scoops and they have every thing and anything to do with ice cream and it is a popular place that's where I get my fave Butterscotch ripple and Papa his strawberry YUMMY ! Thanks for sharing . Have a great weekend !

  8. Great picture of the little ones, I don't let our doggies have chocolate either, not good for them as you know.

  9. There is nothing cuter than baby anything!
    Shirley H.

  10. This sounds like the perfect Sundae eating conditions!

  11. Sorry for remembering this but some years ago I took a 55 and alive class from a guy from Rochester whose moment of fame came on the tonight show where he displayed some of his famous paintings. He used goose poop from Rochesters Giant Canada flock. Seriously! :)

  12. Ahem, couldn't be from CANADA geese, laughing...

    Great shots of fuzzy little cuties...

    And yes, it's still stinking hot here. They keep saying it's going to cool off, and are wrong.


  13. What a perfect way to spend a day!

  14. Sundae + baby duck show = perfect summer evening!

  15. You can tell FarGuy that chocolate isn't good for critters, anyways. Truth.
    The Canadian Geese can leave a parking lot so slicked white with poop that a car can spin it's wheels. I would bet money it was them! ;)

  16. Canada geese are poop machines! And grass gobblers! I think I should get compensation for all the pasture they eat, but they would probably send me a bill for their "organic" fertilizer!

  17. there is something wonderful in the tone of this post. Ice cream sundaes, a dog, your favorite watching place, and ducks. So laid back August!


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