Saturday, January 19, 2013

Chance: Sharing My Yard

Hiya!  It is finally me, Chance the wonder Bored Border Collie.

What a winter!  I have learned to share my yard. It ain’t easy.

I am supposed to lay silently on the landing and watch the Turkeys eat.  They come almost everyday.  They stay about fifteen minutes and then they move on.  Do you have any idea how hard it is not to bark?  It is very difficult.

Turkeys in the yard

Didyaknow they can fly?  If Far Guy isn’t paying attention and he lets me outside before they have left the yard..yes they can fly.

I get lectures about them, “Chance, don’t you be chasing turkeys..especially that Tom he has spurs on his feet and he will rip your eyeballs right out of your head.” Sounds serious.

Then there are the wild parties that the squirrels have..and that bunny.

Bunny Jan 17

That bunny keeps Far Side entertained every morning.  She says he can leap two feet straight up in the air.. I have never noticed that..I have  noticed he can run like the wind. I can tell when he leaps in the air..Far Side giggles..then she goes on and on about when she used to raise rabbits. I am not supposed to chase him either. Far Side has a soft spot for that bunny..and so far the fox and the coyotes haven’t got him.

Partry in the yard

We have a thief.  Yessiree right here in the yard..he is not happy with what the birds and Far Guy spill on the ground..he wants to help himself.

A thief Jan 17

I share my yard with a host of creatures..yesterday there were nine turkeys, eight squirrels and one bunny rabbit.  I tried to herd those thieving squirrels..not chasing..herding.. there is a difference:)



  1. Morning Chance, oh you are a lucky boy to enjoy watching all the animals in your yard come to have a feast at the feeders......what fun you have chasing the flying Turkey`s, and yes Chance, be careful of that Tom Turkey, the bunnies are very fast but guess you are to, as for the bandit Squirrel, he is sneaky.....Enjoy Chance, A Fan, Francine.

  2. Chance, you are my favorite blogging doggie. I just read a wonderful book about another fantastic canine, Enzo, and he was almost as wonderful as you. Almost as smart, too. I am a fan of smart characters, but you are just about the smartest! :-)

  3. One thing bad about living so close to a highway, we don't get the wild life. I don't even see squirrels! We used to have a contraption that hung on the tree that was a board and on each end you could put a cob of corn for the squirrels, but the kicker was that board could swing up side down; so when the squirrels would get on one end of it, it would swing upside down! Funny to watch!

  4. Chance, I can appreciate how had it must be for you to just have to watch and not bark at the turkeys. You are one good dog to do what Far Side tells you to. Also sharing your yard with friends and not being able to play with them must also be hard. Enjoy your backyard friends but do watch out for Mr. Tom Turkey.

  5. Oh Chance, you have your work cut out for you. Be good, and if you must herd the turkeys, just herd the girls!!

  6. Chance, Reba and Tess want you to know that they are Bored-er Collies this winter too. It's too icy to go riding so they don't get much exercise and they don't have any critters that come and entertain, like That Bunny. You're a good boy for not barking at the turkeys!

  7. Yes, Chance good thing you didn't have the whole flock of turkeys in your yard - we counted over 40 of them in the field across the road to the west yesterday! The mess they'd make would be icky!! What a big bunny at your house and he is so pretty posing for the camera. It's already very windy here at 8:50 am this morning here. Today we'll watch the temperature drop!

  8. Great post Chance. Those are some nice fat turkeys and I know you would love to chase them and bark at them. You are so well behaved.

  9. Good to hear from you again , Chance. I like your descriptions of what goes on in your yard. You know more than Far Side as you can smell and hear far better than her.
    I know how hard it is for a bored collie not to bark.

  10. It's like TV for bored Borders:) Not as good as going out there and chasing, umm, I mean herding them, though!

  11. Chance, you are the greatest.

  12. I have 10 turkey who live next door and visit every morning.I LOVE my turkey talk mornings! Our dogs on the other hand feel like you, Chance, they love watching them fly too! We now have one nesting in our back area, looks like 5-6 eggs. Wonder if it's to early? Neighbor said he has enough so we might be adopting!

  13. What a cute post! Chance, you are a good boy!

  14. HOW DO YOU EVER DO IT!!! I couldn't stand it siree I would have to bay really, really loud.



  15. Love your post, Chance. You have a lot to watch!

  16. Chance your yard sounds like nature tv for you, with all those critters.

  17. LOL - you are so funny Chance. You keep on herding. As for that bunny, he is huge!

  18. Oh Chance, I think of you nearly every morning abd evening. Every time I go out and come in and see our sweet old Patty coming and going as well. She's 15+ and that's in people years not dog years (Border Collie dog years). Her mom lived to 16, her dad, 17. She has been sick for several years now. She gets slower and slower and more and more crooked. The poor dear naps a lot and all the kittens like to sleep on top of her, she loves it. Even though it is hard for her, she gets up when Bet heads off the porch to do her work, it's as if Patty thinks she can still help Bet deal with the sheep. Enjoy herding the aquirrels, turkeys and watching Mr. High Jumps, it is a good thing. (In moderation of course.)


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