Friday, January 18, 2013

Cancel Winter

I wish I could cancel winter.

Over half of this cold, dreary month is over.  January is one of my least favorite months, it runs a close second to December the other month I am not so thrilled with.

February comes in as my third least favorite, one of it’s redeeming qualities is that Far Guy celebrates his birthday and the month is short. What is not to like about a month that is almost over before it starts..and then March my fourth least favorite month..March is always a surprise and Spring can rear its head a time or two to keep things interesting.

I put up the January flag.

January Flag

We rarely see Cardinals..and this is one of my favorite flags…even if we don’t have holly or holly berries in Minnesota..I still like the bright colors in this flag.

Sometimes I wish I could cancel winter..go into hibernation after a great Thanksgiving dinner and wake up when the snow begins to melt in late March:)

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  1. Mrs. John A. [Charlotta] AndersonJanuary 18, 2013 at 5:38 AM

    Weatherwise, January in the Midwest usually is far from pleasant but it should make those who live here more appreciative of the nicer months. Also, January and the other winter months provide opportunities to undertake indoor projects that are often neglected during the warmer months of the year. Having said that, I, too, would like to cancel the winter months, as well as the summer months. I hate summer [with its dangerous storms, humidity and bugs] as much as winter. My favorite parts of the year are spring and fall.

  2. The flag is beautiful and cheerful. I like fall and spring and wish I could skip winter too. Hope you guys have a safe and nice weekend.

  3. Since we live in the pacific northwest we get about 200 days of rain and moss and crappy weather, when April arrives boom it gets hotter than hell humidity wise, but one can always see the daffodils and tulips pushing up..August thru October is hot and humid normally, we got 112 days of heat and sun and we are paying for it now, ice and snow, oh, my goodness..It is green all year long but dreary and cold and no sun..I get blue and force myself to go outside and walk and walk I always feel better no matter, I must know there is a sky with blue someplace, can't afford a psychiatrist or counselor, nothing one can do about the weather. I am always amazed that the weather people get paid so much for being only 50 percent correct at all, I know they have to have a degree in meterology, but most jobs a person would be led to the door for only showing up 50 percent of the time..when it gets nice here we rejoice the other 200 days a person just has to cope, but I so agree with you on months they could just shove that december and I hate july too and I don't mind january and or february, but when it starts to rain in march and sometimes goes until june or july here I get a little stir crazy, but I see no need for the holidays whatsoever, why can't people be kind to others all the time, to me everyday is an opportunity to be kind and loving to our fellow man not just one or two days a year..Love your blog, love your thoughts on issues, your doggie is sure cute as can be and your musings on your hubbs is wonderful..Hoping you will get thru the months you dislike quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I so agree with you, hibernation sounds so good! The hubby talks about moving to a warmer state and when winter hits I am usually ready to move! We get cardinals and I just love seeing that bright red in the snow!

  5. Morning, yes, Winter is so so your flag, I also wish we had Cardinals here, such a beauty.....Blessings Francine.

  6. I don't mind winter when it is sunny like it is today but yes all the gloomy days are a killer ! I love that flag so pretty ! Have a good day !

  7. That is a beautiful flag, with all the right colors for making it look much more cheerful. I don't mind any season especially, but I miss it when I haven't seen the sun for awhile. Makes it all the more exciting when it does show itself! :-)

  8. I love your flag. I am right there with you about hibernating until Spring arrives. Winter is my least favorite time of year followed by Summer with it's heat, humidity and storms. This winter has been particularly bad for me as my arthritis in my hip has kicked up preventing me form going for my daily walk - that along with the fact that people around my neighborhood refuse to shovel their sidewalks. So I am patiently awaiting Spring. Have a great weekend!

  9. If you can't come south, did you ever think of checking into a motel with an indoor pool. Its like a mini-vacation from winter. Otherwise hop in bed with the covers over your head.......I'll wake you when its over!!!! All kidding aside have a great weekend and stay sane!!

  10. I read the weekend weather forcast for the north country on Weds. & canceled a planned birding outing to Sax Zim bog (between Viriginia and Duluth) Now the forcast here in the banana belt is for highs in the forties. Go figure. :)

  11. Sometimes the day after a snow storm, here in northern Minnesota, is the most glorious day: sun sparkling off the snow. However this season, there really haven't been snow "storms." There has been snow, but not enough for those who like the outdoor sports. And Clouds, November and December were so cloudy, with the sun peeking out only a few days. I can handle winter if there is enough sun. My house soaks in the passive solar heat, so I really notice the difference, with all my south facing windows.

  12. That's the prettiest flag!!! love it too! Is this the calm before the storm? Cold and nasty suppose to come this weekend - dah!

  13. One has to really fake it to claim that they like winter. I find that faking a like for winter helps me get through.

  14. I spent my noon lunch period sharing garden stories but after last summer I am not certain what will happen this spring. I too am ready for the snow to be gone.

  15. I think that canceling winter is an excellent idea!

  16. Every time I'm tempted to say something like "I wish this week/month/season was over" I can hear my mother's voice saying "Don't wish your life away." But hibernating through the cold, dark months seems like a great way to save energy for the rest of the year! Love the flag; it definitely provides a bright spot. Stay warm!

  17. We have cardinals all over the place down here.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Connie! ♥

  18. You need to become snow birds -- spend those months in a warm climate?

  19. Well, I love January....I was born in January! My son's birthday is today and mine is 2 weeks before that and my Mother's is 2 weeks before mine and we're all Capricorns and proud of it! LOL! But I must admit none of us get to have beach parties for our birthdays but I love Winter and all the seasons in the Midwest just not in AR...Winters are mild and oh yes, the cardinals are all here but the Summers are too, too hot! I guess no place is perfect but Midwest is home to me and I miss it! Stay warm!

  20. I'm totally with you when it comes to wanting to cancel winter.

    I haven't gotten the memo on that one yet, though...

  21. I hate January also. It should go fast since we have a birthday a week in the month, but it doesn't the dark, miserable cold days just seem to go on and on. Then February has another birthday, but the weather is still the same...I'm always excited to see March.....March gives me hope, even if we get tons of snow. It can't last anymore. Spring is coming.


  22. You are going to have to join in our NO winter whining link up on Sunday...hint hint...

    I hear some



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