Saturday, October 27, 2012

I am nine years old than him

I was nine years old when my other baby brother was born in 1960.  I helped to teach him important to drink out of a to use the potty and how to stay out of trouble.

I remember the day that he fell on an old fire truck and put a huge gash in his bled and I wrapped his arm in a towel..he still has a scar on his arm.   I am sure he forgot all about it..I never have..I was responsible.  I should have been watching him closer.  He cried and cried..and so did I.

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This photo must have been taken about 1963.  I was 12 and he was 3.  Nice of me to show him the finer points of a bow and arrow. The bow, arrows and the quiver belonged to my baby brother Carey ( who would have been 9)..we probably stole borrowed it.

I like this photo..he is trying so hard!  In the background is the old garage, the old chicken coop and the corn crib on the farm where we were raised. 

Well that little boy is in his 50’s now..his birthday was yesterday.  Happy Birthday to my other baby brother:)

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  1. Morning.....what a sweet the old time feel to it.....Happy Birthday to your Baby Brother!!!!...Blessings Francine.

  2. You must have felt like a proud mama and very responsible yourself. It's a lot of work having such a small baby brother. I had a sister who was 7 years younger than I was and I took care of her a lot.

  3. I had a sister born with I was 7, but my mom didn't let me take care of her much. I was usually playing with Norma Jean, 2 years younger than me. I like this picture a lot, you do look so responsible! :-)

  4. I am also 9 years older than my sister. I think it is a great interval. For us it was far enough of a gap so that we didn't have the same sort of sibling interaction that I had with my brothers, who were closer to me in age. She is wonderful -- a best friend in addition to being a sister

  5. As an only child, I can only imagine the fun and the responsiblity. Has Chance recovered from his big birthday bash?

  6. Happy Birthday to him. LOve this photo!
    You guys have a nice weekend.

  7. It's such a beautiful shot, you should use it in a birthday card next time....

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  8. That is a wonderful photo, you look so happy, and your little brother so serious. Happy birthday to him!

  9. That is the cutest picture ever! Wishing him a very happy birthday!

  10. Well, happy birthday to your baby brother. Interesting the things we did in a family. My youngest brother is 15 years younger so the relationship and activities were much different than with my brothers who were much closer in age.

  11. Happy Belated Birthday to your baby brother . I am the youngest of a sister who is 13 years older and a brother who is 9 years older ! Lovely post and photo ! Have a good day !

  12. Great photo and great memories. I can sympathize. When I was about 11 I lifted a younger brother to the kitchen counter because he wanted a drink of water. As I reached for a glass, he fell and cut his chin. Three stitches. I was telling that story a few months ago and he said it was the first time he'd learned why he had a scar on his chin...and he's 61. Another brother had a birthday yesterday...popular day!

  13. Happy birthday to that serious little brother. ;) Time goes by so quickly!! He was lucky to have a big sister like you. Hey, nobody is perfect. (I was the big sister, too.)

  14. That little boy looks much older than his chronological age! I like your sneakers and jeans - - - definitely the look for that decade!

  15. What a cute picture! That look of concentration on Jody's face can still be seen when he's concentrating on something now!!! Happy Birthday Jody!

  16. What a great "big sis" you were and probably still are! The picture is darling. How I wish I had a brother or sister. I found out last year I had 2 half brothers that I didn't know about but one had died and the other wasn't interested in a half-sister I guess. I was so excited but obviously that part of my family wasn't. I always say rejection is protection but I'm happy that you have such great memories of your siblings....except of course the arm incident. Happy Birthday to your "baby" brother!

  17. I am 9 years younger than my oldest brother. I always looked up to him even though he was out of the house by the time I was in second grade. It is interesting to see you with the opposite perspective looking back and watching your brother grow up.

  18. Happy birthday to your "baby" brother. What a great pic of the two of you. So....does he still like archery???

  19. This picture just warms my heart. My oldest are so good to their baby brother - and I hope he remembers when he grows up!


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