Friday, August 19, 2011

I suppose I am Tired

I am tired..and way beyond cranky.  I am having a hard time keeping my head above water.

I need a bunch of days off in a catch up, to wash the windows, to vacuum out my car, to clean my garage, to write letters to friends without computers, to just stay in my jammies one entire day the rest of my life.

Everyday this week I have needed a nap after supper.  I am exhausted.  Perhaps it is the weather. Perhaps it is working in a very warm environment. Perhaps I have had my fill of people and I just need to hibernate for a couple of days weeks.

Far Guy had to wash and fold his own socks this week.  I am a failure.  I am not a good juggler..I have six more weeks of work. I suppose Chance will just put more nose prints on the windows. I suppose my car will stay sandy and hairy. I suppose my garage can wait six more weeks to be cleaned.  I suppose my friends will understand if I send them a card with a smiley face and a Hi.  I suppose I could just buy more socks for Far Guy:)



  1. Well, it is certain that Chance will put his "artwork" on the car windows!

    I hope you catch a break soon - all work no play makes for messy car and garage and health issues too.

  2. All of those 'supposes' sound workable. I am sure Far Guy was able to handle the socks just fine. I hope you are able to rest soon.

  3. Yesterday was a hot long day for you. Could tell you were both very tired/exhausted. The concert last night was really, really good, and had been wishing you could have heard them too. I think you would have enjoyed it. There were a lot of people there for that! Another day today. these next 6 weeks should fly by!

  4. Hope you get a break soon ! I am sure Far Guy was fine washing his own socks besides its good practice for him ! Rest when ever you can napping after supper is a good thing Papa does it all the time. Try and have a good day !

  5. I didn't know your job had an end point. That makes it a LITTLE easier to bear. I'm hoping you get the rest you deserve.

  6. Sounds like you need a rest. Hope you get your much deserved break soon. Far Guy seems like the kind of man that doesn't mind folding his socks once in a while. :)

  7. I hope you feel better today. Did you know even Superman had bad days and wanted to give up? Yep. Lassie too :) So hang in there and remember you may be dog-tired, but you are really dog-loved too!


    Emma Rose, Sir Bear, and Mister Higgins

  8. I have known the feeling - - - more than once - - was just there last month. It's overwhelming.
    One day or a whole weekend of 'nothing' really does help. We are closely guarding our calendar whenever possible - - - since working takes a chunk out of it. Six weeks will go by quickly.

  9. Hope you get some much needed rest soon. All that work will never seems to go anywhere, does it? Rest when you can...

  10. Girl....i know where you are coming from....i'm counting the minutes until Oct.21st..when i'm done for the season and my 3 month vacation begins....!!

  11. If the weather is really hot, that is probably what is making it seem worse.
    Dog prints on the window, hair in the car, a messy garage, all minor. Also, they will be much more pleasant to do when it is cooler (six weeks from now).
    Far Guy can certainly learn to do his own laundry:)
    I know how you feel though. I've been doing nothing but making jam this week, and there's more to do today. I am feeling overwhelmed too, as so much else isn't getting done. I'm also counting down the days until work as I know it right now, is over. The farmers markets we go to are over (on a weekly basis anyway) by our Thanksgiving Oct. 10. I'm counting off the weekends:)Hang in there!

  12. Heck, my hubby just grabs his stack of socks and throws them in his cubby and he is done. Works for me.

    Sorry you are feeling tired. You have been very busy so no wonder you are wearing down. A day in jammies sounds heavenly.

  13. I feel the same way.... maybe the summer is just wearing on all of us!

    Hang in there. Learn to overlook those things that aren't critical - they'll wait for you! Take some moments for yourself!

  14. I'm sorry you are so tired. I remember that feeling when I was juggling a job with caring for my parents. Hoping you have a nice weekend with no aggravation and lots of quality time with Far Guy and Chance.
    Mrs. M. Lane

  15. That's what Far Guy would do if he lived by himself. Isn't that what guys do when the wife is away? Just buy more of whatever is dirty? ;-)

    Sorry to hear you're getting warn out, Far Side. *hugs* Take care of yourself. ♥

  16. I didn't realize the museum was closed in the winter either. That will be good in the long run, but not when you are tired right now. Are you going back next season or is it too early to tell?

  17. If I even think about going back to work...I remember instantly all of what you are going through...PLUS the managing of people. I'm so glad to be retired.

    Now on to you....I'll just bet everything there is turning out perfectly, because you are doing so much, with so little. And because of who you are.


  18. What happens if you call in sick one day? Or two? I always believed in taking a mental health day now and again, because if I didn't, I ended up being sick and missing some days anyway. Hope you are able to get some R and R.

  19. Your in good company, it would be nice to have a vacation at home, just to get caught up.

  20. All that will wait, believe me, I know! Also, I was very disappointed to find out there are no house-keeping fairies that sneak in at night and do my work. can rest, rest for awhile before you start in on all the other jobs.

  21. Hang in there! You can do it. And I hear folding your own socks is therapeutic...

  22. I'm impressed that you have kept your blog going through all this. Reading them is one of my favorite parts of the day. I would love to visit you and the museum some day.

  23. I can see it on your epitaph.

    Far guy had to wash and fold his own socks

    It could happen. snort

  24. Situations like this are always challenging. You like the work and want to do it at a level you are happy with. There are other obligations. What to do? A bit of a challenge but I'm sure you'll look back and say it was well worth it.

  25. It's that time of year, we are on the cusp of a new season, and it's been hot for so many people all summer, it's bound to be tiring.

    Dealing with people all day is exhausting, keep your sanity. Almost over now...

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams


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