Saturday, June 26, 2010

Someone Nameless

Someone who shall remain nameless, did something really stupid.  She might have been playing in the water with someone who shall also remain nameless. She might have been having the best time splashing water into the air because someone nameless loves to jump and snap at water droplets. She might have been enjoying the water as much as the nameless creature.  She might have been a bit reckless and allowed a game closer in than normal.   Some how she might have gotten her finger in the way of one of his really large canines. This might have been a game that they play in the water sometimes over at Shell Lake on hot summer evenings watching for beautiful sunsets and wildlife on the lake.

 She might have cried just a little, she might have ended up in the ER.  She might have been forbidden to use her finger for a few days, too bad she is not a lefty.  She might have gotten a Tetanus shot, she might have to wait and see if a course of IV antibiotics is needed.  She might be so allergic to meds that she is a tough patient to treat, at least that is what the ER Doc might have said.  The ER Nurse might have said "I can spot troublemakers a mile away."  She might have wondered was it written on her chart, heavens it has been almost a year since she might have darkened the door in the ER.  She might not have darkened their door this time either, but she who might see robins first, and someone who might be her other baby brother and someone who might look exactly like Far Guy all thought it was a good idea to be checked out, cleaned up and maybe stitched up.  She might have avoided the stitch part..and might just have a whole slug of steri-strips..she might have a very sore finger. She might be a little cranky for a few days...she might have been a terrible typist before..she might really suck at it now.  This whole incident might have been entirely her fault, she might even deny that it ever happened, to protect the innocent:(

She might have wrapped it all up in gauze after she got home, just to remind her not to use it.  


  1. Oh my! Glad both nameless persons ended up ok. =) I know a nameless person who also ended up in the ER due to a dog bite. I'll hi-5 you once your healed up!


  2. (chuckles) That was fun! I also hope that Nameless gets better soon. And thanks for the feedback about the flowers, it was VERY helpful.

  3. Oh, my, that reminds me of the saying about don't put your finger in the fan, and what do they do put them in! Hope nameless isn't in to much pain and gets better soon!

  4. Ouch! Please send my get well wishes to the unnamed lady and her unnamed fur-kid :)

    Emma Rose

  5. Bummer - - - having lots of fun and it ends with an accident! Water Day got expensive.

    Hope that Nameless only has to pay for one ER visit & has no problems with meds and doesn't need any additional anything that costs money or causes pain for healing!!!!!

  6. Uh-oh. I'm sorry. I hope nameless feels better soon and has no other complications from the meds etc. Sending you a gentle hug.

  7. Oh so funny but not, sorry about this poor nameless creature that happened to, and let us know how well she heals and that if she heals quickly or not, hugs

  8. Oh my..... you and Jo are quite the pair! Jo dropped a jar on her foot yesterday :) Oh you two -- I don't have time to wait on you guys just yet...... Get feelin' better! Hi Chance!

  9. Oh oooooooowwwwwwwweeeee!

    Get better soon. That can't be fun.


  10. Oh my, so sorry you ended up in the ER--oh, I meant that nameless woman you were writing about!! Hate when that happens! Hope "she" feels better soon!

  11. Oh, are we getting clumsy or what!!!!!! My left foot hurts, my knee still hurts and down into the right foot, and I'm getting charlie horses on top of it all - and yes I'm drinking lots of water!!!!!!!!!! Heal quickly.

  12. Ouch.. such a shame a lovely game has to end like this... (It's happened to me but never this seriously...)

  13. oh geez. The things we do for our pets.

  14. Oh NO!!! But it is a funny memory, even if it hurts.
    Take care and get better soon.

  15. There is much I could go nameless for recently. fortunately sticking my fingers in my dogs mouth is one I can say I have managed to avoid! Glad you're getting better and the tetnus shot was appropriately placed.


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