Friday, June 25, 2010

More Polite

My other baby brother gave me some advice the other day, he said "Sis, you should be more polite."   I have been thinking about that for awhile now.  I have decided he has a point.  I could be more polite.

So from now on, when the phone rings I will not holler. "Who the F is that?"  Especially when we have company.  It is OK when it is just Far Guy and I, but when other people are around they may have just called a short time ago, and Lord knows we don't want anyone feeling bad for a teeny tiny phone call.

When a waitress asks me "How is your food?  I will lie and say I think that their newest chef must be spawn of Bobby Flay.  Apparently when someone in a restaurant asks you "Is everything alright."  You are just supposed to smile sweetly and say "yes."  You are not supposed to say "That roast beef was frozen and then warmed and tasted like crap. " or " The music in this place really sucks." or "Years ago, this place would have been packed to the gills, and now look, hardly anyone is here, you all must have missed the boat." 

If your silverware has a spot of food on it that was missed in the dishwasher and is baked onto the finish and has become one with your utensil just ignore it, after all it is sanitized, and is not going to kill you.  If there is a bug in your salad, you should just quietly pick it out and put it on the floor, it is called catch and release.  If you are in a real fancy restaurant with linen tablecloths, and a huge bug runs across the table just think of it as part of the before dinner show.  If your coffee cup has foreign material in it..just close your eyes while you will hardly be noticeable.

I think I will ponder this being more polite idea a bit more before I actually put it into use, after all I am getting older, and a big change like this just can't happen overnight:)


  1. You go girl funny but true

  2. Oh......Connie, you are a treasure.


  3. Now that's the spirit, Connie! You just learned about politeness -- or is it satire? I just can't decide! :-)

  4. I'm with Patsy - you go girl!

    I knew there was a reason we mostly eat at home!!!

  5. Oh, you will have me watching for bugs in restaurants....EEEEE-EEWWW! ha

    Loved that flower picture...perfect for my June photo contest too! ha

  6. Love your header picture! You'd better tell ME if the silver ware isn't clean!!!!! ha, I think you would! Can't change over night = right?!

  7. I love the profile of Chance!
    About the restaurants, you are supposed to eat where they lower the lights so you don't see that stuff. We ate out tonight and my silly husband and his friend actually had the waitress almost believing they were health inspectors who could judge their establishment's cleanliness by the taste of the food - - - I kid you not!

  8. Oh, Connie, stay the way you are. I am always saying that I wish I was more open with my thoughts! My mother and sister are just like you and everyday I say to myself why can't I be more like that instead of being wimpy and keeping my mouth shut!

  9. Oh, you're funny! Don't change too much...

  10. I'm still laughing,mostly because you sound just like me,and I here the same thing from my kids about "just be nice mom" . Hey to me if it's wrong it's wrong and if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen !!!
    YOU GO GIRL !!!!
    Blessing to you.

  11. Someone sent me the following Email recently. I wondered if it was a hint:

    Lord, thou knowest that I am growing old. Keep me from being talkative and possessed with the idea that I must express myself on every subject. Release me from the craving to straighten out everyone’s affairs. Keep my mind from the recital of the endless details. Give me wings to get to the point. Seal my lips when I am inclined to talk of my aches and pains. They are increasing with the years and my love to speak of them grows sweeter as time goes by. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be wrong. Make me thoughtful but not nosey, helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom and experience, it does seem a pity to not use it at all. Thou knowest, Lord, I want a few friends at the last. Author Unknown

  12. I figured out than when I reached the wise age of forty I should be able to say what I thought and then I reached the even wiser age of fifty and I knew it was the right thing ;)

  13. Oh crack me up..well said!! :)

  14. Depends on your definition of polite or kind, would it be polite to allow someone to go through their day with spinach on their teeth from the fritata they ate for breakfast? Would it be polite or kind to not point out that a restaurant could be loosing customers because of their lack of cleanliness? It's all in the definition.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie