Saturday, May 22, 2010

Chance: Hidden in the Woods

Hey it is I the handsome blogging Border Collie.  I am supposed to tell you about what was hidden in the woods..not that I was ever allowed to see it or anything..Far Side said I ran right by and didn't notice a thing.
 It all began while planting those little trees.  Far Side was driving the three wheeler with the wagon, and Far Guy was riding along hanging on for dear life and I was blazing a trail.   We had a system going.. Far Guy stabbed that big thingy into the ground to make a hole for the tree and then he puts the tree in and steps on both sides of it to cover the roots..then Far Side waters the newly planted tree.  Well let me tell you, it was warm and I laid down and was hidden in the woods.  Far Side said that I was supposed to be the snake dog, she had one of those once, she was a Sheltie named Misty..she hated snakes and would kill them for Far Side.  One scream out of Far Side and that dog would be there shaking a snake...she was fearless..not Far Side ..the snake killing dog.  Anyways I am supposed to kill them, and if I am not up to the killing part I should just be good at the scaring them away part.  Scaring them away is fine with old fraidy cat Far Side.  She said I spent way too much time off exploring instead of protecting her..and then I was resting again, hiding in the woods.  One time I even went back home by myself and took a nap in front of the step.

We got to one area that was really wet this spring, I didn't notice a thing. My nose was going ninety miles an hour..nothing ..nadda.   I am the leader, Far Guy follows me, then Far Side on the three wheeler, everything alive and slithery should be cleared out of the way by then.  She gets off the three wheeler takes one step and screams..just a little blood curdling scream.  Far Guy thought it was a ssssnake..she sssaid "it isss aaaa duucckk."  Well she ain't afraid of no ducks.  So I kept going, Far Guy turned and said, I am leaving with the dog.  She just stood there and took photographs..she was talking to something..she said it was a Mama Duck..she told it, "We are leaving, sorry to bother you Mrs. Duck, stay calm and stay on your nest."  When Far Side says "STAY" most things including me usually stay. 
After a few minutes Far Side started up the three wheeler and moved out of the duck nesting area.  Now she feels like a real wildlife photographer..she mumbled "See, it is a good thing I am always prepared! " Since she wears that stupid camera around her neck night and day, how could she miss. Far Guy says the camera is part of her uniform..the other morning he was outside hollering for she came outside in her jammies..with her camera on..he was hollering "You better get dressed we have company."  How was she supposed to know..of course the neighbors laughed and accused her of sleeping with her camera on.  I think she does take it off at night!  I am supposed to tell you that she saw the Mama Ducks eyes blink when she accidentally screamed bloody murder and the duck turned her head is a Mallard Duck, they are ground nesters and sit on their nests for 28 days.:)


  1. Hello handsome Chance! I'm glad you are taking an occasional nap during your strenuous duty of tree planting and snake watching! I think most bloggers keep their camera close at all times! That's a beautiful duck. Hope you all have a great weekend.

  2. Chance you are a terrific trail blazer. You tell Far Side you are a sheep herder not a snake wrangler. What the heck does she expect? Unless they are covered in fuzzy wool you shouldn't be expected to round them up. If she ever needs protection from a wild sheep I am sure you will be johnny-on-the-spot to rescue her. Then she can capture it all in action with her trusty camera.

  3. Chance, thanks for letting me know that Far Side does indeed sleep with her camera (I suspected as much). Or almost. And it was so civilized of you to leave the duck alone. You are the BEST blogging doggy I ever hope to meet! :-)

  4. Great photos -- sounds like Mom could take a lesson from Chance about resting once in a while.

  5. You are a good blogger Chance, enjoy your post.

  6. She DOESN'T wear it to bed? I was sure she would. Good thing she's ready at all times cause that's a great duck shot..........maybe sometime she'll even get a snake shot too.

  7. Hi Chance!

    I am amazed you didn't sniff out that duck. I would have chased it away! Well, maybe she would have told me off too, because she was protecting her nest. On second thought, it's a good thing you didn't see her :)

    Have a great weekend. It's raining here :(

    Emma Rose

  8. Chance - - tell her at least you didn't scream at the duck. You were trying not to disturb it! - - - - sounds like it was a good day in the woods - - but any day you don't encounter a snake is a good day!!!!!

  9. Tell her she took a great duck picture. Do you have poisinouse (oh, I can't remember how to spell) snakes in Minnisota?
    We sure have allot of ticks here in North Dakota.

  10. Yes, I was thinking that you sleep with your camera also. This is a great post, very interesting Chance.


  11. Well Chance it was pretty much a blended in living thing. You don't expect brown matter to move. Barnie loves to take out our garter snakes. One can see him ducking through the grasses and grabbing them and shaking them violently. That's because his dad and mom don't allow him to do that to cats. He probably wouldn't anyway. Well, Chance, I hope you get rested up from all the work they require you to do. I bet they don't know that it is in you contract to take breaks every half hour and lay in the cool grass.

  12. Hilarious description Chance! Hope the duck wasn't deafened by all the screaming that was going on... ;-)

  13. Of COURSE she sleeps with her camera, don't we ALL??????
    Great shot of the nesting duck...gorgeous!

  14. I would love to have a camera that was worth sleeping with, that was worth the things I see around here. Maybe for my birthday eh?

    Talk about hidden in the woods! That duck was so well hidden that even wonder dog Chance did not see it. But then you did have your nose looking for snakes didn't you.

  15. wow... you can do frigin better chance in know its in you!


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