Sunday, May 23, 2010

Airshow 2010

Yesterday we travelled up north.  We went to the Air Show that was being held up at Grand Forks Air Force Base  just outside of Grand Forks, North Dakota.  We picked up the grand- girls in the morning.  They were excited about the Air Show and Noah's Birthday..he was eleven yesterday.
Noah doesn't like to be the center of attention, but I think he had a pretty good day.  I did remind him that eleven years ago when his Grandpa and I walked into the hospital an hour after his birth, we could hear a baby screaming at the top of his got louder and louder as we walked down the hall..finally there he was ..his Dad was giving him his first bath..what a beautiful sight..our first Grandson!  Eleven years later he is almost as tall as his mother..I predict that sometime during this eleventh year he will surpass her!

As an Air Force/NDANG family we have had the occasion to attend many airshows.  Each one is unique.  The first one we were  at was back in 1973 was at Buckley Field in Colorado.  Trica was just one year old, we sat on the hood of the pickup in a field.   In later years, I hauled two little girls by the hand one hot summer day, when the tarmac was so hot you couldn't sit down, and your feet got hot in your tennis shoes.  I made them go when they were preteens..they were so bored. Finally Far Guy and I went by ourselves, one year I mowed our entire lawn in Harwood, North Dakota while watching the Airshow..this year all our Grands went and they had a really good time!  So we have come full circle on this one..we have seen the Air Force's Thunderbirds and the Navy's  Blue Angels. We have attended with our children and now with all our Grandchildren.

Grand Forks AFB did an absolutely wonderful job welcoming the thousands of visitors to the base. Everyone we encountered was friendly, going above and beyond the call of duty to make everyone feel welcome.  It was lots of walking, and I am a little tired today..a good tired after a good day.
 Chance stayed with Miney and Little Elvis while we were at the Airshow...he is tired today too..I wonder how long he serenaded the neighborhood.   He can howl quite mournfully, and he gets Miney howling too..I am not sure about Little Elvis.  When we returned Chance was really angry with Far Guy and gave him the cold shoulder..but he was really happy to see me. Talk about a spoiled dog:)


  1. Happy Birthday Noah! Sounds like a great day with family. Poor Chance felt left out, huh? Hope you all get some rest today and enjoy the coming week. I enjoyed your pics from the trip yesterday.

  2. What a good day! It is good to be tired for those sorts of reasons! Noah looks like a sweet boy and to not like being the center of attention, that is priceless. Over the years I've attended a few airshows, some cold, a few hot.

  3. I remember seeing the blue angels when I was a child - - - a long time ago. Here was another wonderful day of memories for your sweet family and you. Chance was obviously the only one not happy about getting to participate.

  4. Happy Birthday to Noah :)
    The Duke's late brother was an Air Force man. The Duke's Dad was a pilot too, so planes have always been a big part of his life. Looks like you had a memorable day!

    Kisses for Chance!
    Emma Rose

  5. I also am an Air Force brat and spent a lot of time going to air shows. But not for a long time now. I love your pictures, though, it was almost like being there!

  6. Sounds like a great family tradition seeing the air shows and it looks like everyone was having a good time. Noah is quite the handsome young man. Terrific family pictures!

  7. What a great day you had! My niece went to one about an hour away from here today! My husband took our youngest daughter to the same one years and years ago!!

  8. It had to be a wonderful day. I am sure Chance blamed Far Guy for being left behind. A eleven year old grandson is really neat.

  9. What a fun day and Happy Birthday to Noah

  10. Happy Birthday Noah. Going to an airshow is something I've always wanted to do. Bet it was very loud.

  11. I really enjoy a good airshow! I remember watching the Red Arrows in the UK as a child. Here in Sweden, we have an airshow every year at our local tiny airstrip.

    That last photo is amazing!

  12. What a way to celebrate your 11th birthday! My son is now 15 and is way taller than I and close to his dad!

  13. I hope it wasn't as hot and humid there as it was where I live. From the jackets, it must not have been. I love family traditions!

  14. What a fun Birthday Party. I think we are going to take Linkin to the Dino Museum for her's. We took Bladen to the Math and Science and Tallen swimming.


  15. Love your photos and memories. Nice post.


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