Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring Ephemeral

Big word,  big word..but an important one.  Ephemeral= Lasts only for a short time, brief, a flower that may only bloom for one day. ( I fem rel)

Up here in the sticks the Liverleaf or Hepatica americana is a native spring ephemeral.  These plants retain their leaves during the winter, the older leaves turn a reddish brown color and the new leaves are green.  They shoot up their flowers skyward to capture the warm rays of the sun before the leaves totally obscure the suns rays from the forest floor.
This is Round Lobed Hepatica.  It will usually start out a purple color and then fade with can be found in any color from purple to pink to white.
A beautiful little plant that just shouts SPRING!  It is a short lived you better pay attention!!  I am so glad I was able to capture it.
 We spent most of Tuesday afternoon one of our stops I found this Marsh Marigold or Cowslip with the real name of Caltha palustris.   I got out of the car on the passenger side, and began to take some photographs on the other side of the road..when I turned to take some photos in the other direction my advance was stopped by my husband ..he said
   " Sweetie, trust me, you don't want to go there."  SNeAKEy way for him to tell me that he saw something I am ssscared of.  He drove down the road a bit and toward the center of the road so I could get in the car..I was very proud of myself..I did not scream and I did not bawl..I guess I will have to start carrying my walking stick and beat the grass out of the window before exiting the car:)


  1. Wonderful that you were able to catch the pretty things in bloom. Yikes - a snake! Be careful would ya.

  2. Gorgeous flowers! They look like our wood anemones.

  3. We too have wood anemones which look very similar. I enjoyed seein' your rare captures. Snakes....hate 'em!!!

    God bless and have the best day!!!

  4. Now is the time we have to look before we step,in our yard.
    I like the delightful little flower.

  5. Those dainty little flowers are very pretty. It's a shame they have such a short life span. I wish the colors of spring could last longer. My lilacs bloomed last week and are already fading. I didn't get to enjoy their sweet fragrance nearly long enough.

  6. I love your rambling walks/car rides. I learn so much about your wild life and history and beautiful flowers.

    Thank you for the trip.

    (You can keep the snakes...I don't know which I dislike more snakes, mice or spiders! {{{Shiver{{{)


  7. You are wonderful, even if you are afraid of sssssnakesssss. I loved this, and yes, our beautiful flowers ARE so ephemeral and therefore all the more precious.

  8. Don't you love what spring does to all of us - - makes us happy and smiling?!!! You can see it in the writing of our posts.

  9. I totally share your fear of things in the grass. Living in the south they are our neighbors and I learned to be care working in my flower beds. Seems they like flowers too.

  10. I'm glad you didn't scream SNAKE! Ick! You had to search to find these little flowers - very pretty!

  11. Oh such pretty little things indeed! It is just a wildflower sort of day!

    Are you afraid of snakes because there are bad snakes where you live? This could slow down my desire to move and become an ice-fisher-woman. I don't mind snakes atall unless they happen to bite to kill, then I got some issues. Fortunately our westside snakes just like to lick your toes in the garden.

    No not boobhill resort, just the Sleeping Lady. But after I looked at more of my mountain shots I told Dirt that I found her friend that had fallen backwards over the other side part way. Guess yada had to have bin there.

  12. Wow! Those Hepatica are just so delicate and pretty. The purple is my favorite, though I don't think I have ever seen them before. What a lucky find for you!

    And how lucky you are that your husband warns you in a much gentler way. My hubby would have yelled out "SNAKE! AGGGHHHHHHH! Watch out!!"

    And then we would have needed to go home so I could change my pants.



  13. Lanny, In my mind they are all out to kill me or at least scare me half to death..there are only two counties way in the southern part of the state that have Timber Rattlers and some other kind of poisonous snake that is endangered (Yippee). We have no snakes that will kill you in our area..only harmless scare you to death snakes. So you can still come be a ice fishing/pocket gopher trapping woman!! :)

  14. we drove to Portland, OR this weekend . In the Columbia River Gorge I saw Black Eyed Susans, Lupines, and a little pink flower which is probably some sort of wild phlox. I wish I was better at knowing what the first spring flowers are.

    Would love to go on a flower/bird walk with you.

  15. Pamela, That would be fun..are you afraid of snakes?:)

  16. Love wildflowers...snakes, not so much!!

    Jane xx

  17. I love my short lived native wildflowers and hepatica is one of the best....I should see it soon now that we are supposed to warm up...Visiting from Over 40 Bloggers.

  18. Nice you had him with you to warn you. I am afraid of snakes...would have probably dropped my camera !

  19. NIce to go with you on your walk. xo Laura


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