Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Morning Wars

We usually have a Monday morning meeting. Far Guy, Chance and I get things lined up for the week and to get on the same page. We really slept this light saving time just makes me sleepy and cranky. How can one hour mess up your inner clock so much? I feel like I have been drug through a knot hole backwards.

My brother heard a Robin.. his wife "she who see Robins before me every Spring" has not seen it yet. She will either call me right away..or wait until I finally see one and then when I call her..she will say "Well I saw one hours ago." With my new eyes..maybe I have a fighting chance..let the Robin wars begin!

This is day number nine with no sunshine. Here is a photo from a few weeks you notice anything strange? Besides the blue skies?
It is a squirrel nest. The squirrel and Chance are having wars..Chance chases the squirrel away from the bird feeder. The squirrel waits for Chance to come inside and then he swoops down out of the trees and happily fills his fat cheeks. If I bang on the kitchen window..he is off like a flash.

The birds mainly Chickadees and Nut Hatches ( Ass- Ups) are the only birds at our feeder during the winter. They will happily feed at the feeder with Chance laying on the patio on squirrel watch. I think that Chance must be viewed as a hero to these little birds:)


  1. I agree with you on how changing the clocks really messes with a person. Or at least that's what I'd like to blame my crankiness on. Our blue sky was short lived. Back to clouds today.

  2. Personally, I think the "Robin is the harbinger of Spring" thing is a load of bunk. We see robins all the time in the winter here in New England. Either they are a bunch of mixed up birds or it is something about New England,probably both.

  3. The day before we had a nine inch snow my front yard was so full of robins, it was impossible to count. Hummmm, grubs galore'! Maybe why my front yard is also a mole field and why I'm fallin' through as the ground thaws. I'm startin' to feel spring in my bones though. I'll sure send some you way when it arrives!

    Have a great day and hopefully the sun will come out! :o)

  4. I saw my first Robin on Saturday. It was a relief. Usually we see them before now and I was worried about their arrival delay and what it could mean - hopefully not more cold weather. Piper chases our squirrels up into their nests too. Sadly, he has snagged a couple of them before they were able to leap to safety. They were off to squirrel heaven before they even realized they had been caught.

  5. Hope you get some lovely blue skies soon.

    That birdhouse is delightful .. and very cheerful in its redness!

  6. I know what you mean about the time change... I always marvel that a teeny lil one hour can mess us up so much, for days!

    It's been cloudy here in southern KS over a week now. Warm, but cloudy. Just a few minutes the sun started shining into the guest bedroom.... WOW, I would love to see it for more than just a few minutes!

    We don't have too many squirrels in these parts, but Ringo does his job with the rats, mice and rabbits. Ugh.

  7. We have lots of birds all winter, but the robins and juncos have returned after their winter's absence. The squirrels... could I borrow Chance for a while?

  8. I have not seen a robin in years! I miss them.

    Me and the Big Bear plan and talk about our plans for the day/week in the shower in the morning. One shower for the both of us takes less water...see? Plus, it's a lot of fun!

    I am always amazed at the number of tiny, teeny birds like finches who stay and survive in this cold and at this altitude all winter.

  9. Day light savings should be nipped! Keep one time, I do not care which, just don't change it on me.

    I love watching the games when animals feed.

  10. No robins here yet and daylight savings time makes me cranky too! We have the robin war here too.....between my m.i.l. and myself ;)

  11. We need sun here , my be Thurday it will shine.

  12. I am anxious to hear more about St Urho. Our border C spends lots of time with the squirrels and making them behave. Our little poodle learns from Barnie and this year has been on alert every time he goes outside to watch for those buggers.

  13. Happy St. Urhos Day! -- Great bird by the birdfeeder picture (so bright)..

  14. My dog, Mandy, LOVES squirrels! She will patiently lay in the yard for hours just waiting for one to come by; and when one does.... look out squirrel!! Occasionally, she'll catch one (eww...I don't like that!!).

    We've had quite a few cloudy, rainy days in Illinois - really need some sunshine, and I'm anxiously waiting for that first robin to appear!

  15. I LOVE that you have the St. Urho's Day on your header...our area is made up of mostly Finnish people (my Dad was Finn and so was my husband's Dad) they celebrate it big time here in the U.P....make sure you wear purple!!!

  16. Only NINE days? A friend here today said it was forty days and forty nights without sun. We are "threatened" with sun tomorrow. Don't know if I can handle it - but at least we have over a mile of visibility ... that's been our problem for the most part ... Happy St. Urho's Day.

  17. I can't believe it, I really can't! Someone else who says that they have been drug through a knot hole backwards! I get the weirdest looks from people when I say that!

    Nothin' like a smart dog, who knows that the squirrel is not to be eating from the bird feeder. If only squirrels were smart, or decent and honest, like a Border Collie.

    Hope you see your robin first, maybe you should run to the pet store and cover your lawn with mealy bugs, I'm sure that would get you the first siting for sure!

  18. I had a robin on the grass this morning, chirping his happy song as I was leaving for work.

    The little melody he sent into the air just for me, made my whole day.



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