Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ice Cream and Other Adventures

Jen , Andy and the boys came to visit.  Andy was attending a Firefighters Sectional School nearby.  He is also a volunteer Fireman.   Jen and the boys arrived.. I asked Adam  how the trip was with "Little Elvis"  he replied " Just fine, no peeing, pooping or puking along the way."  Now to an eight year old that is a very successful trip with a new puppy!

I was reminded of his mother and his aunt when they were little girls.  I believe that Trica started it, and her little sister picked it up ..if they were upset or angry they would say "Poopy, Potty PEE." in a sing song kind of way..that they would take turns repeating louder and louder until I would say "Enough girls."   They would still carry on in whispers each trying to get in the last word..then they would dissolve into a fit of giggles.  Now if they were teamed up..they could really shout the PEE part, if they got some of the neighborhood children involved in their "non dirty word" sing a could be quite embarrassing.  They finally outgrew least I think they did.

Anyway we all went on a little "Grandma Adventure"  that I will tell you more about on Tuesday.  After that adventure we went to The Minnesoda Fountain and had treats.   Individuality was the word that comes to mind... Far Guy ordered a fountain Coke, the rest of us had Ice Cream..the flavors..White Cake and Ice Cream, Vanilla, Black Cherry and Chocolate, and Maple Nut were chosen.  Yup, you guessed I am the nutty one!

Noah asked me, "Grandma why do you always have that camera?"  I replied "So I will be ready anytime you do something wild and crazy! "  So he put ice cream on the end of his nose! :)


  1. Looks like so much fun!! I have to start remembering to take my camera more often!!

  2. Cute story about the girls. My kids had similar embarrassing words they like to sing out when in public. The bigger the audience the louder they were.
    Noah is a very witty kid - must take after his grandma.

  3. Some of my fondest memories are going to the ice cream parlor with my Grandpa. I can still close my eyes and be there after all these years.

    The Duchess

  4. I remember how sinful it felt to use all the scatological references. But it's good that it wears off eventually, for most of us, that is. The ice cream looks very tasty...

  5. Hooray for someone who will pose for the camera. It's what makes the blogs more interesting. Children and ice cream - - 2 very sweet things.

  6. Making your own sunshine! What fun and delicious too!

  7. Sounds like a delicious time, now I want ice cream.

  8. It is so great you have a place like that to go to. Valley Junction, old West Des Moines has one that is open only in the summer. Black and white squares on the floor and wonderful sundaes.

  9. I loved those old fashioned ice cream parlors back in the day...we hardly ever stop by an ice cream shop anymore...I shall make it a goal for this coming summer. ha

  10. Wow - that ice cream looks fantastic! They must love their outings with you.

  11. Not many of those old soda fountains left. I'm happy ya'll had a fun day out makin' memories with the grandkiddos. The ice cream....just an added bonus!

    God bless and have a marvelous Monday!!!


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