Friday, January 29, 2010

Clear and Bright

I can see without is a miracle!! I have worn glasses since I was about 9 years old. I got a bra, my first period and glasses all about the same time. Maybe that was too much information..

Yesterday when  young Doctor W pulled off all the tape and bandages and said..OK open your eye and blink a few times..I was nearly blinded by the light. I could see Far Guys face across the room..and I mean his ever so handsome face too.. I  did not have to go just by the shape of his head and the color of the clothing he was wearing. Things were crisp and clear..20/30 according to the Doctor..and healing well and my pressures are just fine. I have to go back in a week..Far Guy puts drops in my eyes four times a day.. a steroid and an antibiotic.

All the way home. I was like a kid in a candy shop..looking at all the colors..even from behind my huge sunglasses they look awesome. I can play the before and after game by closing different eyes..They removed the right lens from my glasses. But my eyes fight each other..they both want to be in charge.. The left says " Hey, you are supposed to be old and tired and filled up with a cataract..I am way better than you are, my cataracts are just troublesome not completely clouding over her eye, like you were" My new right eyes says "Hey, I am brand spanking new and I want to be in charge, ha!!  my cataracts are all gone..who is superior now?"  I had to take charge and lay down and close both of them for awhile..this is going to take some adjustment. Seeing without glasses is very hard work.

I can actually see myself in a mirror ..scary..without having my nose touch the mirror..very scary.

Now I have a deep seated problem..I feel like I am missing something when I don't wear my glasses..I can see pretty good..even with one bad eye. No, that is not the problem..I have deep indents in my nose from years of wearing glasses..and ridges that run from the corners of my eyes to my ears..all you people that wear glasses on a regular basis know all about these ridges. Please say you have them too..or maybe I am the only person in the entire free world with them??  Will they go away..or has fifty years of wearing glasses deformed my skull? I guess we will just have to wait and see. Then there is that scar, the one that hardly ever showed before..I had a mole removed right between my eyes years never showed before...oh goodness sakes you don't suppose I am going to have to wear make up. I have one more tiny problem..I need to have my eyebrows "done"..I have always done them myself..after all they were hidden by my glasses so they had no need to be beautifully shaped..but perhaps now they should have a little work done to them..I will have to find an expert plucker.  I suppose there is some special goop for your eyebrows too..rats.. I will have to go shopping :)


  1. As usual you have me laughing first thing - you are such a bright spot in my day. I am so glad that you are seeing "new" things. It must be like rediscovering stuff all over again. Too bad a few of them included a couple of indents - no big deal. They just add character and you are a beautiful person regardless.

  2. Connie you are so funny. Now you can see your eyebrows and need something done. Well I wear glasses and my eyebrows look horrible.

    So glad you can really see now. Have a good weekend.

  3. Connie I am so happy for you!!! I'm glad it turned out so well. I've worn contacts forever and it would be so nice to get up in the morning and just see. I had my eyebrows waxed once, it was not very painful and looked nice. I'm not good with eyebrows so I mostly just ingore mine now. I've also got a scar between my eyes, got hit by a teeter-totter when I was a kid.
    I think you are right about some trees at my house, my husband tried a snow fence in our yard this year - total failure.

  4. Oh girl ya crack me up. Just wait until you get the other eye done and it'll be a whole new world! Have fun seein' thing for the first time again.

    You have yourself a splendid weekend filled with beautiful blessings!!!

  5. Praise God for the successful surgery and recovery process - - - and of course for the ability to see clearly again! Yes, many of us have dented heads. Wear it as a well-earned medal - - and the great thing - - - you can see they are there! I think they will fade away though - - just like dents in carpets from furniture. It plumps back into shape.

  6. I was hoping that's the way things would look when they took off the bandages! I had Lasik to correct my vision so I don't need to wear glasses except for reading now and I sounded just like you after the surgery. I fairly giggled through the entire day I was so happy with my miracle vision. There's nothing like being able to wake up and see, even if what you see in the mirror is a little scary.

  7. Wow what problems eyesight brings. At first I was sorta jealous of you being able to see now without your glasses, but then you made it sound like ignorance, or semi blindness, is bliss. Oh dear, I'm glad I don't have that option, yet.

    Hey, have fun with all your new found issues!

  8. Oh, it truly is a miracle and how thrilled I am for you! I would be looking at "everything" just to see!!! I think the indentions will go away gradually. You enjoy yourself Connie. I am just very happy for you.

  9. I'm so happy that everything went well and that you are discovering and re-discovering things. I think your 'indents' will go away in time, try a little cocoa butter on them.
    Your snowy pictures are lovely but I really look forward to spring.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Sunny :)

  10. So glad it worked...I knew you would be amazed by how clearly you can see now!
    You will need to get new makeup, a new hairstyle, and heck, then you might as well get a new wardrobe.
    Your husband better watch out!
    Don't be getting Angelina lips now to balance out that glassframe crease...

  11. You're beautiful with OR without your glasses! You'll just need time to adjust. I'm so excited for you that you can see so good now out of that eye. Imagine what it'll be like after the other one is done! WOW!

  12. I am so happy for you what wonderful news that you can see so well.

  13. This is super good news. I think having to get your eyebrows done is well worth it, if it means that you can see better. No glasses, sigh.....had them since grade 3. Congrats to you.

    Glad to hear that you are feeling better.


  14. Oh Far Side! I am so happy for you! How exciting for you to be able to walk around without your glasses. I bet your indents will fade in time, but yes you will probably have to use a drop of concealer on the scar. No big deal if you can see to do it!!! Go somewhere and get your eyebrows shaped and after that you can do he upkeep yourself.

    Have a fantastic day!


  16. Yay, glad you are all better! Beautiful photos..the blue and icy snow contrast is stellar! Lovely post!

  17. You can see "without glasses" but ya got "dents"!

    You are a riot. You make me laugh so much. And eyebrows, just get them waxed, make sure you let out your breath when she pulls and you will be fine. Yep new look, new eyes, Connie, see what you got when you got rid of then old cataracts!

  18. This is exactly what my husband did when he got his first "new" eye! Kid in a candy shop, and begging the doctor to do the other eye right away. He wore pop bottle type glasses with deep ridges, and now he doesn't wear glasses unless he's driving. Sits in front of the computer without them. It's a miracle indeed, and now all his old ridges are GONE! (It's been three years now.)

  19. I am so pleased. I want to go that route when the time comes and be able to see again. I wore contacts for years but as I got older, I just couldn't keep them fluid enough. I really like your two photos, they are wonderful. Take care.

  20. wow how great mazeltov!! I felt a bit the same way when i had lasik surgery done... .definitely a "v-8" experience :)


  21. Congratulations!!! Isn't it wonderful! I'm so glad for you. I would wait until both eyes are done before doing your eyebrows. Invest in some good tinted moisturizer with sunblock...and you're killing 3 birds with one stone (makeup, moisture and protection from the sun) Avon makes some, so does Mary Kay or Burt's Bees. I use Bobbi Brown. I think your 'ridges' may disappear in time...if not...well that's just part of being YOU.

  22. I would love to get rid of my glasses....I'm dreaming of Lasik surgery for myself! I know what you mean about the eyebrows and son gave me a magnified mirror with lights on it for christmas. Man, that mirror lets me see everything!!!!

  23. LOL...I never thought getting rid of glasses could be this funny...
    Love the pictures..

  24. Great - I'm glad it went so well! And what a wonderful thing to see clearly...each of us has imperfections (I have overpowering eyebrows also) but that is wonderful and makes us each very special! Enjoy your weekend!

  25. Hurray for being able to see clearly! And yes, I have those ridges from my glasses too...

  26. Great news. You enjoy those beautiful colors!

  27. That's so wonderful that you can see!!

  28. I work for 3 ophthalmologists and one time a lady was really angry at our doctor. She blamed him for the wrinkles on her face and asked him what he did to her. She said I couldn't even go out to lunch with my "lady friends". He asked her why and she said he made her look so old. She was recovering from cataract surgery and thought he made wrinkles on her face. Guess she thought she looked real good for 80 until she could see her face!

  29. You are funny! I'm glad the surgery was so successful! I wear glasses, and about 2 years ago switched to the completely rimless ones and discovered my eyebrows for the first time since 5th grade. They were awful! Now I have to look at them every day to make sure no stray eyebrow hairs are growing was simpler then.


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