Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cataracts Half Done

I survived the cataract Surgery!! It was a same day surgery and I was over in the hospital about three hours. Far Guy and my Parents accompanied me... Chance held down the fort at home.

The nurses were kind and sweet, they took all my info, had me dress in one of those glamorous gowns. They started an IV, she was really good at hand is not sore at all. Everyone that came into the room marked my forehead. When Far Guy and my Dad came in to keep me company, they took one look at me and began to laugh. I had asked Far Guy before we left if he wanted to be in charge of my camera or leave it at home...he chose to leave it home..but at that moment when he was chuckling at me he said he wished he had the camera. When the Nurse came in to check on the progress of my extreme dilation.. Far Guy was freaked out and would not look at matter what ploy I used to get him to look ..he wouldn't. (The nurse said I won the prize for the best dilated eye she had ever seen.) He did read to me, he knows how much I love being read he read an article about Warren Buffett to me.. a fascinating man! Dr. B came in to say "Hi" and the Anesthetist came in to discuss my anesthesia..I asked him what he was using? He said "Propofal..the Michael Jackson drug." I asked him if he was going anyplace. He said "No, he would stay with me the entire time." I asked Far Guy if I should sign the consent form..he said "Yes" So I did.

The Anesthetist wheeled me off to the OR, where I met four was really cold in there. I knew one of the Nurses a long time was her brother Jody that I had the snowmobile adventure on Bass Lake with back in the 1960's. Anyway the table is narrow but they have a special headrest for your head. They put a pillow under my knees, and strapped down my arms. Dr. B asked if everyone was all set.. I asked him how he felt and if he felt at all shaky..he put his hands up and said " I am calm and cool as a cucumber." Then I felt a burning in my arm..and a strange smell.. then there were beautiful lights..mainly pink ones..beautiful sparkly squiggles and very bright white lights.    The Nurses were talking..and the Doctor was talking about how he didn't like the kept folding back on itself..I asked if the Handsome Anesthetist was still there and he was.. ( He is my age, maybe a bit older and has a moustache and kind eyes. ) The nurses all laughed, and said "It is obvious that she couldn't see straight with that cataract." About that time I had some discomfort..a pressured poking feeling that I didn't like. I was about to say "I give" .. and then they removed all the drapes and put on a bunch of bandages. They had me sit up and I hopped over to a chair and they wheeled me back to recovery. Far Guy joined me there..and they brought me lunch..a diet soda, a banana and a turkey sandwich. The handsome anesthetist came by, I thanked him and said "Well I never went to sleep."  He said "Oh yes you did..for about four or five minutes."  You could have fooled me.. maybe that is why they call that drug "milk of amnesia." They monitored my vital signs, and Far Guy visited with the nurse who was a very attractive red head..anyone that knows Far Guy well..knows he has a thing for red heads...( I am a blonde/grey haired beauty) any way she was sure she had met him previously. He jokingly said " In jail or the newspaper?" It turns out she was from the Gulfport/Biloxi Mississippi retired to Minnesota. They had a good time talking about that area of Mississippi as Far Guy spent a fair amount of time there during his Military Career. We all laughed at the coincidence. It turned out that they were in the same eating establishment one night back in the 1980's.
 ( You may say how is that possible that they both remember? The Governor of North Dakota was there that same evening.) After about an hour they let me go home..I got a ride to the vehicle in a wheel chair.

I got home and Chance was very happy to see me. I developed a humongous headache and headed for the ibuprofen and the couch. The pain worsened, it was like brain freeze only a hundred times worse..and moved around in my skull. I had something more to eat and an Oxycodone that belonged to Far Guy. I rested on the couch..until I was startled by some strange flashing was Far Guy playing Cameraman.

I will be really happy to have the bandages removed ( I have to wait until three o'clock..that is still over three hours away)..they are bugging the crap out of me.. every once in a while my eye itches.  I put my glasses back on right after the surgery..They kind of balance on the end of my nose and let me see something..enough to watch TV.  Most of the time I spend with both eyes is just easier that way..when one of your eyes has to work gets really tired.  In two weeks, my other eye will be eye at a time hopefully my vision will improve:)


  1. I'm glad surgery went well and you haven't lost your sense of humor! Rest up!

  2. I would bet you said more things in that surgery room then you are aware of. Those anesthesia drugs are like truth serums and I have sure heard alot of funny confessions after giving them. I would like to hear the handsome anesthetists version :) So glad you are okay and doing good. Take care.

  3. That is a lot of writing for a one eyed blonde/gray beauty! Take care and get well soon. If I got my vision improved I would have to clean my house, so I'll just carry on the way I am :)

    The Duchess

  4. Picture is cute! Glad you're almost back to your old self!!!! See ya later.

  5. You will be amazed at the vision you have after this surgery. I got cataracts at 55 in both eyes from tamoxifen and the difference after the surgeries was amazing! You'll wonder why you waited so long! Good Luck with the other eye!

  6. So glad everything went well for you and that it wasn't so bad. Sounds like you also had some nice Drs and nurses including the nice anesthetist.

  7. You are so funny! I don't think I would be so brave as to have my mister bring the camera in post op. He isn't to good with it anyway. Take it easy and rest up for the next one, can't wait to hear about the adventure of that one and the cute dr.

  8. Isn't that cute....Chance knows you're not 100% and he's there to comfort you. God love him. So glad you came through ok. You'll be fine and when its all over and done with, you're going to be sooooo happy....not to mention sharp-eyed. LOL

  9. You'll be shoutin', I see the light!" before you know it. You'll have a new improved set of peepers in a couple of weeks. I love how you find the humor in plaything. Take care and rest up for round two.

    Have a restful evening and a beautiful day dear Connie!!!

  10. Glad to read that surgery went well. =) Heal quickly.

  11. Ouch, I am glad you have the first half done. You will be amazed at what you were not seeing. It will be like the day when I was a kid and I got my first glasses and they were two years over due. I didn't know I was suppose to able to see across the street. Stay down and rest and get as much service as possible from both of them.

  12. why didn't they do them both at the same time?

    I have this to look forward to-- so I'm quite curious.

  13. Thanks everyone for your comments!
    Pamela, I am not sure, maybe just in case something happens..My Dad had his done a week apart. I have to wait two weeks until the nest Surgery:)

  14. So glad to hear that the surgery is done, and that you are safely at home now. 3:00 should be coming along soon, if not already.

    Hugs, Jen

  15. Ow, just ow...glad you came through all right and hope all feels better real soon

  16. Thanks for sharing the experience. It's great that you have Far Guy and Chance to take care of you, too. All the best.

  17. I had to laugh because even with your bad vision (BEFORE the operation) you noticed that the Anesthesiologist was handsome. ha
    I hope it is a huge success and that your next eye goes quickly and you will see better than Far Guy and tease him about that soon!

  18. Just let Far Guy know that payback is no fun! Glad everything came out and hopefully the next one is better.

  19. This procedure is in my future, so I appreciate reading about your experience.

    Get some rest and let Far Guy pamper you a bit.

  20. I am so glad it went well. Nothing seems wrong with your vision, if you were still seeing handsome men.

  21. I love the picture of your dog's expression as he rests on your leg. Animals know when we need love and comfort. My husband had Lasek surgery 6 years ago. They made him wear those patches to sleep for 3 nights. He hated them - - but it did keep him from rubbing his eyes in his sleep.

  22. I bet you will see so much better once the bandage is removed. I know other people who've had the surgery and were so amazed what a difference it made.

  23. Very glad for you that it's half over and you can still post your humorous view of things. I love the way Chance is doting on you ;)

  24. I am glad all went well. They never do two eyes at the same time just in case something goes wrong. You will be good as new in no time.

  25. Wow! You typed all that and nary a mistake, with just one eye and being drugged and all that! I can't wait until you see what you can see with that new eye...

  26. It sounds like it went well -- you put such a cute twist to it...I'm sure Far Guy just chuckled and I'm sure Chance enjoyed lying by you... Get well...

  27. Hey I like your hair color! Thanks for the story and I'm glad you're feelin' feisty.

  28. Looks like you've got a tea strainer on your eye!

    Glad everything went well.. and now a few words to your headache: Go away and leave Far Side in peace...

    There - that should do it! ;-)

  29. Brave girl!

    Loved the sight of that sweet
    chance resting his chin on you when you were in bed. Our dogs and cats are such a comfort when we need it - they KNOW!

    Shirley H.

  30. Glad you are seeing with that eye, now. Next time will be better and then you will be free, free, free!!!! And can see, see, see!!!!

    I wish Norm would have done the eye drops. He made ME do them and it was not fun!

    Enjoy the new world.

  31. Glad you sent me this link, Connie, as I am scared to death of eye surgery. I hope I sleep through the whole thing! ;)


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie