Friday, November 13, 2009

Oh Poop

I am a bit paranoid about the deer ticks, I hate them and the diseases that they carry. We put Frontline on Chance. I am always relieved when the ticks go into hibernation, and we can give Chance a rest from the Frontline and the chemicals it contains. Both Far Guy and I are continually searching Chance for ticks. If we find one, Chance must inspect it..he smells of it and then shakes his head..and drools.

The other day, I noticed something strange in the dogs poop. YES, I check his poop from time to time. He has a very sensitive stomach and gets diarrhea from cheese and milk. Far Guy sneaks him some milk sometimes..and I do not want things to get out of hand. Nothing worse than a dog with diarrhea that is pooping like a goose. Chance is also on a Lamb and Rice based food, if we give him regular Science Diet he will have lots of mucus in his poop. Loss of mucus in his digestive track will turn into diarrhea really fast. Anyway back to the other diarrhea and no mucus..but Holy Cats something was definitely wrong. My first thought was that the deer ticks had attacked the poop in the yard..I should have taken a photo and I was tempted..but I will spare you that ..instead I will describe it the best that I can.

The log that was nestled in the grass was a dark brown color, that color was accentuated with tiny ovaly/round light beige thingys that looked like ticks filled with blood..many of them. Sticking out in all directions.. right side up and upside down. I had to find a stick..yup lots of those little buggers..but what in the world were they? Prodding at them with a stick confirmed that they were not ticks..thank you, thank you. But what were they? I had a really good idea.. seeds from grapes.

Today I dissected some of the seeds from a few of Far Guys grapes.

 Yup..diagnosis confirmed..Chance likes fermenting, half frozen grapes..I told Far Guy..he said "Do you suppose he is getting a little tipsy on those grapes?" I do not know, but all the grapes are gone as far up as Chance can reach. The bunnies may have helped him some..and maybe the birds..but he has been just a snacking on those grapes..seeds and all. I suppose after it snows and the snow falls off of the roof..he will stand on the snowbank and reach the next level of grapes.  In the deepest recesses of my mind..something about this whole situation was bothering me.   Something raised a red flag..but what in the world was it?  I read once where grapes are not good for dogs, so I researched it..and grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in I guess Far Guy will have to pick some grapes today:)


  1. Oh these darn dogs that will eat "anything". Now you won't be able to watch the bird or others eat the grapes.

  2. I'll say that you are a pretty good detective! Yes, my niece has sent me several emails about raisins & grapes being so dangerous for dogs! I am glad that both she and you remind us pet owners from time to time. Just like Shelley and her Bernese Mtn. Dog getting so sick from a rawhide bone. Blogging is a great way to warn one another. Hope you have a good weekend.

  3. I think that my sister's dogs loved the frozen grapes too. But they didn't eat too many of them, or not enough to get sick on them.


  4. I am starting to see a pattern here. First is was cow poop in a previous post this summer, deer poop the other day, and now it is dog poop. Connie you are poop obsessed. This was too funny!! I needed a laugh today. Thanks. And yes grapes and raisins can cause renal failure in dogs. I found out the hard way with a dog I had.

  5. You are just the Dr. Oz of dog poop. My bad, I have never really studied, dissected or theorized what was in Tiger the Wonder Dogs poop. He's runnin' all over the Ponderosa, I'd just hate to think what he's gobblin' up.

    Have a super weekend!!!

  6. I can see the Medic in you coming out! You Go Girl! Once more you bring to us your knowledge of health and well-being. I THANK YOU soundly.

    Now off to check Fuzzy poop!


  7. It's weird the things that can be bad for our animals that just seem so darn harmless. It's hard to keep track of. I'm hoping the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and bananas I share with Luke don't kill him. I figure 1200 lb animal, half banana and 1/4 sandwich, probably okay.

  8. I just read that grapes weren't good for dogs about a year ago. Ours used to eat them regularly. Who knew?

  9. I also didn't know about the grape thing-thank you!!

  10. I don't do much poop poking but it was good that you did. I now remember reading that too. So glad you thought of it before Chance got sick.

    Deer ticks are awful now. Frontline does not seem to work as well on them as the other ticks.

  11. A girl has got to do what a girl has to do -- and if it is going thru poop it is going thru poop! i have a girl cousin who is "warped" about human poop -- and is always asking questions about poop! I now laugh because she has two young children of her own and has had lots of experience with poo.....

  12. Hi Chance,
    Don't you know that those things are bad for you? I hope you don't get sick. I might have to come out there and give you Royal kisses!

    Emma Rose

  13. We have to deal with purple poop with our guys. They love to eat the mulberry windfalls. Thank goodness they are done for the year.

  14. Oh, the joys of poop! ;-) Oscar loves grapes and often eats them... perhaps I'd better stop that!

    As for ticks - yuk!

  15. People may think you are strange, but poop watching is actually a great way to check on your dog (or cat) and the health of the animal. We had tape worm problems with Peanut this year and I told the vet that it was my entertainment - watching the poop to see if the dirty buggers were there or not. And I can tell if she's gotten into anything because she is so little (compared to Chance) that any little thing comes out strangely.

    Good job, checking him out - it's better to be safe (and weird) than sorry.


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