Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wistful Wednesday: 1908

A penny postcard from 1908. Mailed from Park Rapids Minnesota to Linnell PO Minnesota. Mailed to Meadys older brother Frank. Frank was the oldest boy in his family, I don't know exactly when he was born..I am guessing 1886. ( his sister Amy was born in May of 1887) He would have been 22 in this photo. The other fellow in the photo is Far Guys Grandpa A he would have been 20 years old. They were both young neighbor men, working together. Having fun together see they married each others sisters..Frank married Mae, Curtis married Meady. Frank and Mae never had children..they spoiled all three of Curtis and Meadys children.

I chose this photo today, because of its date, August 31, 1908.. 101 years ago...farming was different back then! I love the fly net on the horse, in all the photos that I have..this is the only one with a fly net. I believe that they are pitching hay off the wagon. Are you old enough to remember hay stacks? I remember them..standing witness to hard work on the farm. If the hay mow in the barn was full, hay was stacked in a huge mound for the winter. Hay Stacks and Straw Stacks were off limits for us kids. It was animal food and bedding, if you thought it looked like a fun place to play..especially in the winter when it would be covered in snow and could possibly be a sledding hill were mistaken:)

Reverse side of the Penny Postcard.


  1. What a treasure Connie. So very interesting. Thanks for sharing this family keepsake with us.

  2. Someday you should write a family book filled with all your thoughts and photos! You know, the book that is passed on down the generational line!

    Heck these posts are so good you could sell the book!


  3. Nice post and interesting information. Life was so much different back then and much much harder.

  4. Never heard of fly nets before-that's interesting and makes sense. The sender of the postcard wasn't a very 'wordy' person, I'm guessing?

  5. I remember. Dad has the younger kids (me and my sister did it) get inside the barn and stomp around on the hay as it was pitched in.. so more would fit. Oh I would sneeze and snort with all that dust.

  6. That is indeed a treasure you have there. So many of our old family photos are not marked and we have no idea who they are.

  7. i'm always amazed at the finds you find and share with us... gorgeous and of the heart


  8. ooh, ooh, ooh, I love this kind of stuff!

    You're so good at findings!

  9. Love the photo. We found one of those fly nets in our grove, partially disintegrated. I had no idea what it was. Now I do, thanks to you. Love your blog. We have a border collie/australian shepard cross, Noah. Reminds me very much of your Chance.

  10. Hi there! Sorry I have not been by lately. We are under construction and my house is busy. Thanks for dropping by my blog though! Another reason I have not been blogging is our computer was part of our livingroom and is all taken apart. I am on a freakin laptop that I HATE and the words and letters jump all over hell's creation when you type! God I can't wait to be back to normal (whatever that is?)...a setting on a dryer I guess! Will try to check back again. Cool old postcard of years ago. I have some old ones that belonged to my parents. They are fascinating aren't they?

  11. Amazing that you have so many wonderful photos, cards and stories to tell! Lucky us.


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