Thursday, August 6, 2009


August is usually welcomed by the appearance of the Goldenrods.. so cheerful and yellow. Like a yellow flag being waved in surrender to summer. Fifteen different types are found in Minnesota. I will share three.
Goldenrod or Solidago species unknown, a heavily arching plant. ..this was in a garden planting at the old farm house at the Field day last Sunday in Park Rapids.

Stiff Goldenrod or Solidago rigida. Commonly found in our area, in the ditches, and sometimes at the edge of the woods where it can get enough sunlight to bloom. Not many flowers, they are just clumpy at the top, the foliage is quite stiff.

Canada Goldenrod or Solidago canadensis, this one was found in a ditch also. He has very handsome arching stems. It is probably the most visible and most common Goldenrod in Minnesota.

I was interrupted this morning..Far Guy took a phone call..someone wants us to do a nature hike. We had to go over and see what kind of nature and trails they had, it is doable. They are heavily wooded, in small clearings they do have a few wildflowers, a whole lot of Poison Ivy and lots of mosquitoes. I guess I can bore some old people on a hike. Far Guy should really do this, I offered to make note cards for him with photographs. He said "It's not fair to make someone wait for me to come up with the words." So we will do it together. They must have been in a real pinch to call us, but they seemed like nice people..they have other activities going on at the same time. So hopefully all sixty people won't pick the Nature Hike:)


  1. I enjoy goldenrod-have always thought it was a pretty plant-gorgeous, intensely yellow colour.

  2. You are always teaching us something new. We didn't know there was more than one kind of Goldenrod. Your photos are wonderful....wish we could go on your nature hike too.

    Emma Rose and The Duchess
    (kisses for Chance!)

  3. I too admit that I didn't know goldenrod came in many varieties.

  4. Hey there. Goldenrods are pretty to look at but cause my allergies to perk up. Sounds like a lot of fun going on the nature hike. Wish I was going with you.

  5. When I was a did, third grade, I took goldenrod to school for my teacher. She said she wasn't allergic to it and I didn't know that I should be. Far Guy will join right in once you get started. That would be fun to go along and learn the wildflowers.

  6. All I can think of when I see goldenrod is allergies and sneezing and watery eyes. In fact, my eyes started watering last week, so they must be close to full bloom here! ha

  7. Shows how much I know. I looked at your photos and saw "goldenrod". I always thought those yellow flowers were ragweed. Curious as I am I saw that goldenrod is often blamed for hayfever so maybe that's why I thought it was ragweed. Looking at photos of ragweed, it doesn't really appear to have flowers at all; it's all just green.

  8. Those are beau - beauti- beautifulllllllaaaachoooooooo!

  9. Goldenrod is often blamed for allergies when in fact it is Ragweed that causes the allergy problems. I think Goldenrods got a bad rap..Ragweed just looks green and weedy..he is the hayfever culprit!! :)

  10. 15 types? Wow. I have always loved their color...such a sunny sight.

  11. I love the looks of it but I hate it in my hay fields and it is not a popular weed with the farmers around here!!

  12. Ours are starting to bloom now too. I never wondered how many species there were but I know there are at least 3 different ones growing in my yard at least;)

  13. I get all happy inside when the golden rod shows up. It means my favorite season is not far behind. It is the one time I get really excited about the color yellow in the farm yard.

  14. Gorgeous shots - love the way you see beauty in everything around you.. (well, not counting that woman who wants to dig up your whole garden, of course! ;-))


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