Saturday, March 1, 2025

Hello March!

 Far Guy is very ill but hanging in there...Jen and I have four eyes on him...six if you count Sadie who gets real excited when he is coughing.  The next couple of days will tell if we can avoid a hospital visit.  I think he is right on that bubble of getting worse...or better.  He is doing all that he can with neb treatments and his percussion vest along with lots of fluids, rest, steroids and antibiotics. 

I finished the yellow blanket with a white edge, I may send this one over to the consignment shop.

Yesterday it was a very windy day, Jen and I ventured over to the neighbors to visit their new 9 week old puppy her name is Trixie and she is awfully cute for a Toy Poodle/Lhasa apso/King Charles cross. Sadie had to inspect us when we got back home.

We all played SkyJo in the evening. Fun game. 

Far Side


  1. fingers crossed and a prayer today...

  2. I sure hope he's feeling better soon. Nice blanket. That's the beauty of thicker yarn. It stitches up so much quicker. I just emailed a store today, to inquire on booth rent. I have inquired with so many I was afraid to send the email. Prices for rent and then a portion of our sales is way too high in our area.

  3. I am certainly hoping that Far Guy can avoid a hospital visit. Thinking of both of you!

  4. I hope Far Guy dodges the hospital. Love the blanket. I don’t know what that game is but games are a good pastime.

  5. Oh dear - hopefully FG will make that turn toward getting better and avoid the hospital. My daughter who is a respiratory therapist does a lot of percussion vest fittings. I hadn't heard of them until she became an RT.

  6. Oh no! Hoping FG gets better really soon! Really get those hot fluids down him!
    Love your looks so soft!
    Have a sweet week!

  7. Sending prayers for Far guy. Glad he has you all keeping an eye on him and helping to make sure he gets the care he needs. Your crocheted blanket is very pretty...March is here and I hope it brings you all some warmer weather....

  8. Sending lots of good healing vibes for Far Guy!

  9. I hope FG is on the mend. Poor thing. It's never fun to be sick and it sounds like he's had it bad.

  10. I am sending my strong hope Far Guy is well soon.

  11. Keeping Far Guy in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. Prayers and love for you both.

  13. Ditto. It's not right that a wonderful man like FG has so much pain and suffering. But he sure has my prayers and you both are in my thoughts.

  14. It sounds like FG is in good hands and you all really know what you are doing with his treatments. Hoping for a positive turn.

  15. Fingers crossed that Far Guy turns the tide today on his vicious cough.

  16. Oh no! Prayers that FarGuy is on the cusp of getting better!

  17. Prayers for far guy! I'm sick also and have been most of the Winter! Looking forward to spring and allergies! Ugh

  18. I'm sorry to hear Far Guy is sick. Sending prayers for him to improve soon! I love the yellow and white, it looks fresh and happy. I've had a lot of changes in my life and finally made a post after over a year. I don't want to just drop out of sight. Both of you take care!

  19. I am sorry to read that Far Guy is very ill. Sending my thoughts and prayers out for both of you.
    Goodnight Gram

  20. Darn, I was hoping FG would get through the winter without getting sick! Prayers for a swift recovery. I haven’t heard of SkyJo: I’ll invest.

  21. I have not heard of SkyJo but since I like most games I'd probably like that one too.
    I hope Far Guy feels better soon and avoids the hospital.

  22. Sending healing thoughts to Far Guy, hope he feels better soon!

  23. Sending positive vibes and prayers for Far Guy to get better.

  24. Prayers for Far Guy. It just doesn't seem right that he has to suffer like this. I always remember how he couldn't get a lung transplant because he aged out during covid, when they wouldn't do a transplant. Dennis and I will definitely continue praying for him and you too. I know how concerned you must be
    Blessings and hugs,

  25. Sure praying for far guy to get much better soon! I love the blanket you made! Take good care.

  26. Oh no, get well Far Guy! Sending prayers, you and Jen stay well also.

  27. Someone will be truly blessed who gets that beautiful blanket. Prayers for Far Guy goes without saying - and for you.

  28. I thought I made a comment yesterday. Thinking of you guys! Take care.

  29. My heart goes out to Far terrifying to not be able to get a breath. You've both had more than your share this year already.


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