Sunday, February 23, 2025

Oh Brother

 I searched my really old photos looking for a wintery photo.

1962 photo of my brothers.  A football to throw and a wagon to push.  Country kids had to make their own fun.

Far Side


  1. We had such fun in those days...

  2. I have tons of old photos of us kids playing in the countryside. We had no phone, no tv, and cold running water for half the year. We never hated it and we always found something to do if we weren't working in the garden.

  3. You're so fortunate to have so many wonderful photos of your childhood. When my Mother passed away, my stepfather threw out all the photo albums of her family and my childhood.

  4. Nice to have old photos as reminders of the good ol' days, when life was much simpler.

  5. We rode horses all around the farm..stick horses😂😂

  6. Not only did kids have fun but they looked after each other as shown in this photo.

  7. That's a great photo. I think life was so much better back then. Lots of outside play in the dirt and the snow and the mud. We loved it and I never, ever heard anyone say they were bored.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. Siblings were a big part of having fun in those "olden days" of country living.

  9. They are cuties all right. Glad you have these old photos to share.

  10. What a great memory and photo. Personally I think the black and white photos from our childhood make the memories more clear. Or maybe I am just maudlin today.

  11. Cute picture. Yes Winter will hang on for a while yet. Love your blog! Take good care.

  12. I like seeing those old black and white pictures.

  13. I sure love old photos....The old black and white photos are what I call the sweet life..


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