Thursday, October 10, 2024

Uffda x2

 I had the high dose flu shot on Monday afternoon...3 days later I am still feeling like death warmed over. BUT it must be better than the flu. Right? 

To make things even more difficult...our septic system water sensor alarm started beeping Monday night...the phone was ringing and the alarm was going off...the alarm company wanted to make sure we were aware..."yes I know it is going off we are dealing with the situation"   Far Guy said "Something is plugged."  I called my other baby brother and his phone went to voice was 10 PM ...I called she who sees robins first and she answered right away.  She woke up my other baby brother and he and our Great Nephew Mason came right over...they decided it was tree it partially unplugged enough so that water would drain out...and they would fix it in the morning.  

So the next morning nephew Josh, Ryan and David came to dig up the tree root clogged septic line. 

They replaced the pipe and hopefully it will take another 26 years to become clogged with tree roots again.   My brother says it is normal for tree roots to seek water and cause problems over time. 

Luckily my other baby brother lives right next door and he owns a Construction Company that does septic systems and all kinds of dirt work.   How lucky are we??  Very lucky to have someone you can call late at night and will put you on his list for repairs the next morning!  

Living in the boonies has it's challenges. 

Far Side


  1. I have a septic alarm but to my knowledge, it has never worked. At least it has failed to beep when there has been problems in the past. My septic system in general is getting pretty long in the tooth, some 25 years old at this point, so I'm sure in the coming near future it will need to be replaced in it's entirety.

  2. Aerobic septic systems are required in our area and are a money sucking pain! A couple years ago we had roots from a grape vine clog one of our tanks. Always something needing to be repaired or replaced. At least we have a nice, comfortable home. Going to count my blessings after seeing all the devastation in our country. RHill, TX

  3. You are BLESSED with a septic tank repair brother! Meanwhile, is there a reason these alarms wait until evening to sound? I'm glad you got it taken care of.
    We live in town so it's a "sewer" line. Once we were going to a family event with all five kids. Packed them in the car and I went back in the house for a forgotten item. Water was flowing out of my toilet, flooding my bathroom and headed down the hall from the last flush.
    On a Sunday. We shut off the water and attempted home repair until Monday when I paid some men a huge sum of money to discover the tree branch blocking the line was across the street from my house just inches before the tie in (where it would have been the city's expense). Fun Times.

  4. I'm getting that flu shot tomorrow and hope I do better with it than you have. How lucky you are to have a way to get that septic system fixed so quickly!

  5. This same situation happened to my grandson a few months ago. Thankful that you have a wonderful family who is always willing to help. Super great that they had the equipment to go right to work on this issue. Hopefully you won't have to worry about the roots again. Hope you feel better from that flu shot. Before my brother could leave the hospital yesterday, he had to have a flu shot. I thought Oh my's not enough that he has 50 staples in his abdomen and now he has to have the flu shot...which might make him feel even worse. Always something when you live in the Country.. Have a SWEET day.

  6. Yikes! That sounds like a big job! We want a country house one day. I grew up in the country, but my husband is a city boy... I don't know if he's ready for these kind of problems, lol! It's definitely handy to know someone with equipment!

    I hope the flu shot isn't bringing you down too hard.

  7. I had my flu and Covid shots at the same time and I was fine except that my arm was sore for three days with those double pokes. However, when our septic alarm went off at the Whidbey beach house, we had to call for service, wait a week, and then pay lots of money.
    I think you win. It pays to know the right people.

  8. I hope those unpleasant symptoms don't hang around!!
    You are indeed fortunate to have had such quick help with the septic tank issue.

  9. How fortunate to have that family connection so handy. We got the high dose flu shots and Covid shots last week Thursday. I felt a little "off" Friday, and ran a low temp at bedtime that night. But otherwise I did OK with it. Mostly just felt tired.

  10. Septic tank issues are awful to deal with - especially at night. I'm happy you were able to get it fixed so quickly (yay for family!). Hope you feel better soon, xx

  11. I've never lived in a house with a septic system but my husband grew up in one and remembers some of the problems. Why do alarms always go off at night?

  12. It is good that your brother lives close enough to help with the septic tank

  13. Brothers are life savers. Appreciate them—my three have all passed. Septic tank problems are stinky!🤭

  14. OMGosh! Yes, you are truly blessed to have family members who could fix the problem! Wow! That was wonderful!! :)

  15. I am so glad you have someone to call!


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