Wednesday, October 16, 2024


  It froze the other night and the high yesterday was 52F or 12C eh. 

I have some swelling at the surgical site on my face.  The Dr said to use ice once in a while and Benadryl...well I fell asleep with ice on my face.  Good thing the ice had a towel covering it!  I woke up shivering and haven't warmed up since.  Needless to say I am not feeling terrific as my body is fighting off whatever this is. 

I will return to the Doctor on Wednesday if there is no improvement. 

Far Side


  1. Be sure to take your antibiotics, if they gave you some that is! It sounds concerning.

  2. Bless your heart. I know you are ready for this place to completely heal. Hoping that you do not have any kind of infection trying to set in. Those temps sound so good and your picture sure shows that the fall foliage is loving the crisp air.

  3. Benadryl makes me sleepy, too. Hope you are feeling better soon, friend.

  4. Oh gosh, I hope whatever is causing this heals soon. Miserable!

  5. Oh no - - - as everyone will be saying or praying - - hope it clears up on its own or at least gets better quickly with more antibiotic if they give you more. I hate this happened. You were feeling so good and had more energy.

  6. Oh dear, that doesn't sound good. Take care and feel better soon.

  7. Hope today is better for you with no more doctor visits needed. We had a similar day yesterday with 2 nights in a row of freezing. So all of a sudden we have lots of all color in the trees. Now - if only our SD wind would settle down so those pretty leaves would stick around awhile.

  8. Benadryl knocks me out. We had frost last night. Hoping you don't have a problem brewing at the surgical spot.

  9. That's not good news. I hope that heals.
    12C is about what our highs are these days but the temperature doesn't go down very far at night. No frost yet.

  10. Benadryl always makes me sleepy. and not feeling well ----well, darn it ---- it's time to heal. Come on body! Make the turn!

  11. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon.
    Gorgeous fall photo!

  12. We had our first frost last night. Not a killing one. Hoping the place on your face is better. I think the picture is the road less taken.

  13. Medical complications seem to be your companion. Just stop that! And why Benadryl???

  14. Most antihistamines make me tired even the do called non drowsy ones

  15. Beautiful trees. Sure hope your face feels better soon.


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