Saturday, October 12, 2024

Busy Days

 Friday was a busy day.  I cleaned the bathroom, did a few loads of towels etc, straightened up a bit and then went to my baby brother and his brides home for a quilting /crafting day.  There I had good visits with a couple of my to give them hugs and support when we learned of our cousin Kathy's death.  So sad...she never really recovered from the stroke that she had years ago and slipped further and further away every day.  Kathy gave the best hugs...we will all miss her.   It doesn't seem real that she is no longer with us. 

I spoiled Baxter and Smudge...I tell ya Smudge is pretty cute!

I worked on some crochet scrubbies...I sell them at a shop in Grand Forks ND.  Everyone else there was sewing...they are all working on quilts...maybe I will take some photos as I will head over there today with my camera and some wild rice soup that I have ready to go together right away in the morning and some sauerkraut and sausages that we will have for lunch.  

Yesterday we had chili and a wonderful cabbage salad, sourdough bread and cookies!

Far Side

I have 45 ( I make it 46) cousins on my Dad's side of the family.  Kathy is the 9th to die. Kathy was 75 years old she was just 16 days shy of her 76th birthday. 


  1. Wow! 47 cousins on your Dad's side of the family! That's amazing!! My condolences, tho, for Kathy's passing.
    Goodnight Gram

  2. I like reading about people with normal social skills.
    You have such a large family. I am sorry for your loss.

  3. I can't even imagine 46 cousins! I only had total of nine and four are already gone...two to accidents and two to cancer. Your family reunions must be amazing!

    Sounds like you are feeling better. I hope that's true. :) You make THE best scrubbies! I hope you bring the camera and get pictures of crafting day. Oh--and the ornaments for this year, too. :) :)

  4. What a wonderfully large family of cousins you have! My second cousin - isn't that the one who is the granddaughter of your grandmother's sister? - - - was like a best friend in high school. We resembled each other enough that people thought we were sisters. Aren't genetics wild?
    I can hear in your written voice that you are feeling much, much better! It makes my heart super happy for you. Would you post a pic of your scrubby sometime? I am just curious what it looks like. One of my sister's daughters in GA likes to crochet. Looking forward to seeing pics of the shop.
    THANK YOU for updating us!

  5. I'm glad to hear that you feel well enough to enjoy these days with family and comfort each other on your loss.
    I have a bunch of cousins on my dad's side that I don't even know, though maybe not quite 47. They are scattered across the country. The closeness of your family is remarkable.

  6. Goodness, you certainly have a large extended family. It sounds like most of your are close too -so wonderful to hear. My sympathies on your cousin's passing.
    Enjoy your crafting/quilting time!

  7. Kathy is my age. As I look at the obituaries, I notice I am older than many of those listed. You have many cousins. On my mother’s side, guess how many I have? None. She had two childless sisters. You’d think her parents spoiled us, but no, Grandma just reminded Mom that she had way too many children. Grandma figured it all out before she passed saying Momma was the luckiest of the girls for she had US.

  8. That is a lot of cousins, I don't know how many I have on Mum's side there was 10, on Dad's side I don't know maybe around 16 to 20

  9. I know I have a lot of cousins but not as many as you. I haven't kept in touch with many but it's nice to know they're out there.

  10. You have a lot of cousins! I have five in total, plus three half-cousins (from my step-uncle).
    That is a sweet photo, with the bumble bee on the flower :)

  11. I am glad Kathy is no longer suffering. Thank you for your wonderful posts, friend.

  12. Your bee photo is GREAT!!! Having doggie love is perfect for each visit


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