Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Treat Lady and Baxter

 Last Summer Baxter gained a bit of weight...of course it was all my fault...I am the Treat Lady.  ( No one else could possibly give him any treats) Baxter loves stopping at our house for a treat.  He hated it when we were gone last Winter.  No treats and a strict diet.  What to do...what to do.  Sadie will do anything for a Cheerio...well turns out Baxter likes them too...dispensed one at a time.  I put some on the upstairs steps.

Guess who?  I picked him up for a bit yesterday...he has a bit of separation anxiety.  I folded some laundry at home while he waited.  Then we sat outside for a bit learning a new trick...circle. 
Then his eyes got sadder and sadder...it was time to return him to his home....before he decides to go home all by himself...he knows the way. 

He makes a fine co pilot and even better if he can stick his head out the window.  "Get a move on Treat Lady"
I took a few photos outside and followed Mr Wiggle Butt! That would have been a good name for him. 

"Whatcha waitin for?  Slow poke Treat Lady!"
We had a fine time together.

Far Side


  1. I babysit...er dog watch and cat watch my neighbor's pet pretty often. I carry tiny tiny dog treats in my pocket when I walk them off leash down the country lane.
    They watch me like a hawk and come if I lift my hand and shake the baggy.

    They know who treats them!

    I'm glad you get to have visits with Wiggle Butt. Dogs/pets sure have a way of calming the heart.

  2. Awwww...he's adorable!

  3. He’s a beautiful dog. Cheerios is a great idea for a little treat. Works with children too!

  4. Aw, so cute. I do miss having a dog around, but we are trying to get the house repairs done, which is requiring a ton of new interior painting. It has been nice to get a break, but we may be putting up a dog fence outside this year. He keeps talking about it, but it just doesn't happen.

  5. Baxter is a cutie. Glad you had some fun with him.

  6. He's such a handsome lad! It's so nice that there are still dogs in your life.

  7. What a cutie.

  8. Such a beautiful pup! Cheerios are health food and he would have to eat an entire box each day to get that size. Our daughter has a beagle that is grossly obese but too many give it table scraps frequently.

  9. Baxter knows a good thing when he tastes it! Mr. Wiggle Butt 😂

  10. Sometime with a dog is always special. For you you and the doggie :)

  11. He looks like a wonderful dog that had his own quirks. They all do. We had a King Charles in the other day and a poodle too. LD

  12. So nice to have your visitor over for treats. Such a handsome dog. :)

  13. Oh, what a sweet visitor. I'm glad you can get your dog fix.

  14. Baxter has such expressive eyes. It must be hard to resist giving him treats but Cheerios seem like a good option.

  15. Dogs like treats as much as children like treats and they both love anyone who will feed them treats. Baxter is so handsome

  16. Nothing like time spent with a dog to lift our spirits.

  17. Um, treat lady? He looks like he's eating more than just a few tiny cheerios ;-D.


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