Friday, May 10, 2024


 The Lilac buds are expanding.  This is a Donald Wyman late blooming lilac

Far Guy saw a Oriole, the grape jelly feeder is out and waiting for them.  I saw a Hummingbird, so I quickly made the sugar water for their feeder.  Not much is blooming here in the boonies.  The Pin Cherries are about to bloom and sunny spots have a few dandys. 

 Far Side


  1. Sounds so peaceful...

  2. Good Morning, Happy Spring! Friday - first hummingbird. I have seen an oriole and a Scarlet tanager visited. And the frogs are noisy!

  3. Soon all your usual visitors will arrive to feast! :)
    I hope you are having some nice quiet ordinary days.

  4. Spring sure is taking its time this year. Here is it, almost fishing opener and we are still seeing snow showers.

  5. Hooray for more signs of spring for you all!!! We had wicked storms two nights ago and many flower blooms were beaten off bushes. However they are still standing and have definitely been watered thoroughly!
    The multitude of cicadas are here. You can even hear them inside the house as a low sound. They are all outside but the noise is that much. Fortunately they are mostly in the neighbors' woods.

  6. My neighbor has an Oriole feeder, but I've never seen one around here. Lilacs smell so good. We had lilacs in the yard of our previous house, but there are none anywhere near here that I've found.

  7. I'm still waiting for my lilacs to bloom - they are SOOOO close.

    I saw an oriole yesterday and so did Mom (we live three hours apart)
    I forgot to put my feeder out this year - I wonder if it's too late.

  8. We have lots of dandys and the lilacs have just bloomed. The weather has been really nice the past few days. I can't feed birds, too many cats laying in waiting.

  9. Our hummingbirds are back but none have visited our yard yet. Spring is definitely here for both of us. Our feeder is up, our cardinal pair is courting in our back yard, catbirds are visiting the orange with grape jelly on top, but still no hummers.

  10. The leaves on the elm tree have definitely opened in the last two days. Now when I look out the window, I see more green than the gray brown of the trees.

    My brother encouraged me to add the Merlin App to my phone. This morning, I had a dove and a grackle (both I already new) and a chipping sparrow. Not certain on the last one, but it did make a short chirp.

  11. Hope I can remember to try grape jelly next year when the orioles visit.

  12. Yes, seeing buds swell like that after a long winter is exciting. Even the first dandys are exciting.

  13. Sadly our lilacs are drying up now. Their season is too short.
    You have Orioles!!We have had a few passing through in past years but as far as I know they don't stick around.

  14. I planted a lilac under every window of our addition so that I could smell them with the open windows in the spring. My favorite flowering bush. My iris started blooming today. Huge riots of dark purple. I just love spring.

  15. Oh yes....May is always the month when I have seen orioles in the past. Love seeing them. Love those hummingbirds too.

  16. I wonder where and when the cicadas will be showing up this summer?

  17. I had my hummingbird feeder up for almost 2 weeks before the first one showed up today. It was good to see at least one, because I was days to just giving up. The nectar I had out was only about 3 days old, but I made up a fresh batch, hoping it'll stick around.

  18. My lilac has bloomed and gone. The oaks are all filled out. My little hummer "Buddy" did not make it back this year...I will miss him and his "wife". He was the only hummer to sit on the hanger and chase the other hummers away. His "wife" was a skinny little hummer. They only live 3-5 years so I shouldn't be surprised. I have one that shows up from a different direction. I knew exactly where Buddy lived in a big oak tree on the left side of my back yard. I'm not sure I'll keep feeding as there is only 1 that I see once in a while. My neighbor feeds them so I think they'll be fine.


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