Thursday, April 4, 2024


 Not too much snow left yet. 

June the snow bank is barely hanging in there.

Far Guy had blood tests and a chest x ray.  No pneumonia although his white blood count is up, after two days trying to get a script to the correct pharmacy I recalled a bottle that had a fill left on it.  Who knows when or if the script will get to the correct pharmacy.  No one does their job anymore.  Anyways...I am trying my best to keep Far Guy out of the hospital. 

My other baby brother called Wednesday morning, our brother in law Dean was in an accident and life flighted out to St Cloud and the puppy Lolli was with the Highway Patrol.  We went to the scene of the accident to get the puppy. We found out later that Dean has a broken sternum.  I took Lolli and gave her a quick exam...she seemed okay...everything worked.  I dropped her off at my baby brothers, he has Baxter and dog food.  He discovered a small spot near Lolli's anus after she pooped...he took her to the Vet and she has a rectal bruise. Poor puppy.  My baby brother and his bride, Baxter and Lolli went to St Cloud to see how Dean and my sister were doing.  My sister Julie was on her way to work at a Regional Office in Thief River Falls when she got the phone call about the she had a really long drive.  We are thankful that Dean will be okay eventually, he will have pain for a really long time. 

Far Side


  1. Any injury to the sternum is awfully painful. I have injured mine twice -- not broken -- and it was terrible for weeks.

    I am sure hoping for a short stay at the hospital and a short-ish recovery though it will take time.
    Whew, what a day.

  2. Oh goodness, hope Brother-in-law pulls though ok & sounds like he will.

  3. I am with you that people aren't as good at doing their jobs as we were led to do - - always do our best - - and we did!
    So sorry for your b-i-l about the accident. I read a bit about a broken sternum - - seems like the pain can last up to three months?! My thought is that it is similar to rib pain but maybe more so because it supports all those. Praying he gets some time to rest a bit.
    Praying, too, for FG to get totally better - and that he does not get discouraged during his healing process.

  4. Oh no! Your poor family just cannot catch a break this year. I'm so glad the injury isn't more serious, although a broken sternum is painful enough. Poor little Lolly. She is such a sweet little soul isn't she? Your family works so well together. Like a "well oiled machine." That's so rare these days. It makes me a bit jealous. I'll add your BIL and Lolly to my prayers. Far Guy too, athough he's always there. The move home must have been hard on him.
    Blessings and huge hugs,

  5. My best wishes to Dean as he recovers from the broken sternum. Thank goodness it wasn't worse. Poor Lolli - I can't imagine it's a comfortable spot to have a bruise.

    Good luck with the pharmacy. I hope you're able to get things straightened out soon.

    Nice to see the snow disappearing - it's pretty much entirely gone here now.

  6. Well, that is scary! Glad to hear Dean will be okay eventually. Sounds as though it could have been much worse!

  7. It sure has been piling on in your family. I really sorry about your brother-in-law and his puppy. Keeping FG out of the hospital hopefully isn't going to be a struggle.

  8. Healing prayers for Dean, Lolli, and Far Guy.

  9. So sorry dean had such a serious accident.

  10. You are such a good care giver- I'm sure your husband thinks so too and is grateful for all the effort you put in for him and for all your family. They are lucky to have you.
    Praying that Dean recovers well- I once had an accident that injured my sternum- not broken- but so very painful and I couldn't raise my arms for about 3 months.

  11. Gosh! I am so sorry about the accident and the pain!

  12. Poor BIL, poor puppy, poor FG. You all need some good news. Maybe the grass will start to turn green now.

  13. A stress filled week! Hopefully FG will stay out of the hospital, and your brother-in-law will have a smooth recovery. A broken sternum would be so painful. Thank God for those life flights! My daughter spent several years as part of a transport team out of Sioux Falls.

  14. For your family, it seems to be one thing after the other. I think pharmacies are so stressed right now with labor shortages (and who can blame pharmacists for quitting, plus the fact that so many independent pharmacies have gone out of business). I am hoping your husband finally recovers fully from his latest illness and wish your brother in law rapid healing.

  15. Oh my. You are a great nurse for all kith and kin!

  16. If it isn't one thing it is another but that is life with so many ups and downs

  17. Oh no! I do hope he will heal well and not have too much pain in the process. So glad the puppy was going to be okay, too. Good grief! Really been a year of trials. Best to everyone.

  18. I am glad the injury were no worse, though from what people are saying this will be painful enough.

  19. Stressful times. I hope all this gets solved.

  20. Best wishes for quick healing for your BIL. So good that he'll mend and be okay.

  21. Oh my just never quits for your family! I pray all will be healed and that Dean will be able to not suffer too much during his healing process. Poor little Lolli too. Thank God they both survived!


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