Saturday, April 13, 2024

Blue Sky

 We had a wonderful blue sky day yesterday.  We sat outside a couple of times, our high temperature for the day was 54 F or 13 C eh!

We tackled a project in the garage, and we got it done! 

The Oaks are not beginning to look alive yet. 

Can you pick out which tree is a Piss Popple (Aspen) soon all the dangles will fall off the tree.  They make such a mess.  But it will be the first leafy green tree in our area. 

I worked on the big sort for a bit yesterday.  Very little progress was made. 

Far Guy continues to hold his own and is working on getting stronger everyday.

Far Side


  1. Glad to hear things are coming together! :-)

  2. Beautiful skies. I would guess that the aspen is on the left? We do not have aspen trees in our area, but I have seen plenty in Colorado. they have white bark right? Y'all enjoy your weekend.

  3. Hurrah for FG!! It's going to be 80 F today. What????

  4. It sounds like it was a good day. I'm glad that things are returning back to normal, whatever that is.

  5. WOW! Far Guy was able to work with in the garage! YAY!!!

  6. So warm! Supposed to be 78 degrees today (Sat) in Fargo! Crazy!
    Glad you hear you two are doing okay and enjoying the weather. :)

  7. I haven't heard the Aspen called 'Piss Popple'. Good name.

  8. I’m not very familiar with Poplar trees. If the mess is anything like Sweet Gum mess, I wouldn’t like them. It’s 83 here,
    50’s doesn’t sound very warm.

  9. I love it that you are sitting outside under blue sky at 54 degrees. We do that too.

  10. I like the native poplar but there are some that have been planted that shouldn't be here. they are a nuisance.

  11. Is it the tallest tree in the middle? Our Oaks are just now budding out. They are always the last along with the Rose of Sharon.


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