Monday, March 25, 2024

The little girls

 Maddie visited the other day with the children.   Everyone is growing up! 


Ree is really growing.

She has six teeth now and is getting a few more teeth.  Her Mom called her Miss Crabby Pants but she was perfectly fine when she was here.  She has a wonderful giggle and belly laugh that ends in a snort. 

Far Guy is holding his own for now. 

We have snow in the air but it is not staying on the ground for now, we are in a Winter Storm Watch until Tuesday morning. 

Far Side



  1. Oh what cuties!
    Our Winter stuff really did all sorts of things on Sunday. White Out and 4 inches of snow in an hour to sleet, to ice, to rain, to mist, ... and I don't know what yet this morning.

    It finally did look like winter for a bit!

  2. Cute girls! Is there ever a baby who isn't cranky when teething?

  3. Good to hear that Miss Crabby Pants was an angel while visiting!

  4. Ree has beautiful eyes that seem to really see a lot - - like into a person's mind. Beautiful - - they both are.

  5. It's so hard to believe that the girls are that big already. I smiled at the snorting belly laugh and would love to hear it. I love baby laughs.
    Glad that the snow is holding off for you. We had thunderstorms overnight for the second night in a row.

  6. Those girls are cute! We got a foot of snow and then rain overnight. It's supposed to rain later today. It's a mess.

  7. It is a good day for you when these two visit.

  8. They do grow so fast! Teething can make them cranky but I'm sure you took her mind off of it.

  9. So glad you got to see the little ones!! And glad she wasn't being Crabby Pants when she was there.
    We have some snow, but a lot of wind mostly. Still coming down but it is fine and dry. Glad FarGuy is doing okay. Hope you both have a really good week. :)

  10. I'll bet having those little girls there for a visit, and hearing baby giggles, was good medicine for FG and for you. We are in a blizzard this morning but it's expected to pass by morning. Ironically my daughter 90 miles SE of us is just getting rain.

  11. Sweet little ones!! Good to know that Far Guy is holding his own.

  12. I remember when your pictures were of the teenagers. Now it's a new generation.

  13. They seem to grow so fast what a wonderful day for you

  14. The little girls are precious. Glad Far Guy is on the mend.

  15. The little people are sure cute. Love seeing pictures of them. Tell far guy to keep getting better....and you too!

  16. What a bright spot in the day to have a visit from these lovely ladies!


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