Sunday, March 10, 2024

Slow going

 Far Guy thinks he should be doing better than he is.  He had a number of naps yesterday, he got very little sleep in the hospital. 

When I was out running some errands I stopped by a Mexican place that we eat at I ordered supper and Noah picked it up for us and joined us for supper.  Andy and Jen were invited out for supper elsewhere. 

Yes it is slow going but at least it is going!

My baby brothers bride grew Non Stop Begonias last summer.

Far Side


  1. Slow and one day at a time right?
    That is all we can do.

  2. I agree. Slow and steady wins the day. Sleep is good.

  3. It may take him a few weeks to gain his strength and energy back. Maybe some warm sunshine is what he needs. We love Mexican food and had it for dinner last Friday. I sure wish I had her talents in growing begonias....mine never do well. Happy Sunday.

  4. Yes, slow going is still going. Just don't stop going and getting around. Me too.

  5. A person always seems to heal faster OUT of the HOSPITAL!!!

    Prayers still coming your way!

  6. He needs more of those naps--lol! Recovering at home people always do better than in the hospital. His impatience is a sign he already feels better than he did. :)

  7. We always want faster results as we start to improve. It's good to know he is improving.

  8. I guess you just have to be patient. It's not easy being patient.

  9. Baby steps....glad he is sleeping better. I have some begonias growing but I have no blooms yet and I have no idea what color they will be. Those are gorgeous!

  10. It's really tough. Good to be home, though.

  11. Once illness takes you that far down, it takes a while to recover, especially the older you get. We don't rebound like we useta! Tell him to be patient with himself- and those naps are a good thing to help the body heal.

  12. At least he's home getting Sadie kisses. :-) I'm sure the dogs are both so happy that you're there.
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. I love the pretty begonia. A Mexican supper sounds good.

  14. The trip home from the hospital is exhausting. And now everything is different. I notice chair heights, etc, when I come home. One tiny step at a time. Napping is so good for him. I know it's hard to be patient. (hugs)

  15. Happy to hear FarGuy is home. Continued prayers for his recovery.

  16. Those Begonias are beautiful!
    Very thankful Far Guy survived the week! Is he breathing better than last Sunday? That is definite progress if he is. Also if he is eating and drinking and obviously able to rest, he is improving for sure. When is his infusion this week?

  17. So glad to hear that far guy is home, and he got his infusion. Hoping, praying, that he will continue to improve each day.....even a little, until he is feeling good again.

  18. So glad that Far Guy is finally home. That is where his best healing will take place. Continuing to keep you both in my prayers.

  19. Lynda, His infusion is Thursday. He is about the same as last Sunday.

  20. Grandson is such a nice guy. Bringing home the food and eating with his grandparents is so great. Sleep is the best for healing processes.


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