Friday, March 15, 2024

Keep on keeping on

 Far Guy had his infusion and shortly after that his doctor's appointment.  His lungs still sound junky, he is suppose to keep on keeping on with what he has been doing since he came out of the hospital.  Two appointments in one day tired him out.  The Doctor said " Influenza A is really hitting people hard this year ...even young healthy people are taking a long time to recover.  It may take weeks or maybe even a month or two to get back to normal."

This was a puzzle Jen and I worked on back in February sometime.  Lots of pastel colors and it was a nothing is exactly the same from the picture on the puzzle box. However they did include a special envelope with the correct picture that we never looked at...nice of them. 

Far Side


  1. Appointments are very tiring. I know that just a 15 minute doctor visit for Rich is tiring for him.

    I guess we can only take it one day at a time.

    That puzzle is really filled with beautiful colors!

  2. I hope he continues to improve, now that the appointments are behind, and he can simply rest and recuperate. Thanks for the updates for those of us who are wondering how it's going.

  3. Very thankful Far Guy saw the doctor and got the "official" word regarding recovery time. Remind him it will be beautiful weather and he can enjoy it when he feels better - which I am sure you all are doing. He is blessed to have such good care and nutrition during this time.

  4. Hang in there Far Guy!
    I was looking at you St. Urho picture- did you know that there is predicted a great locust infestation this year? Not sure where but all the negative nelly news folks have been all over it.

  5. Slow recovery - that is what we're hearing around here too. Mason still gets tired so quickly even after 2 weeks. And he's 12.

    The kids gave me a puzzle last year that had 2 different solutions. It had an envelope too, that listed the pieces that could be pulled out and moved. It was a difficult puzzle.

  6. I'm so sorry that Far Guy is still not doing very well. Dennis, Mom and I are still coughing too. That flu is nasty stuff. Prayers will continue.
    Cool puzzle, but I think it would drive me nuts.

  7. I'm sorry Far Guy is so sick. Poor man. I hope you are ok, it's been a rough time for you.

  8. I hope what the doctor said made Far Guy feel better! My daughter said that their school was hit hard with that influenza and she and Grayson both got it. Grayson has allergies and breathing problems anyway so he had to go to the ER and get steroids. Rest is the best thing...and some patience! LOL!
    That is a beautiful puzzle...sounds like a toughy too. Congrats on not looking. I just ordered a "Book" puzzle from Susan Branch. This one will get framed.

  9. Yes, takes a long time to get over this crud. I'm glad he's home and hope he gets better and better. Patience is not an easy thing, for sure.
    That puzzle looks like a tough one!

  10. My Greta got A. She missed an entire week of school. Stayed in bed nearly entire week.

  11. Here's hoping he continues to improve I haven't had the flu of any type in years but expect it will happen soon with so much of it going around. I like the jigsaw

  12. Keeping on is the best advice. I am glad he can get his weekly infusions as that has to help. That puzzle looks impossible. Lots of nice colors but blurry shapes.

  13. "Keep on keeping on" sounds like a good diagnosis of how FG is doing. Slow and steady.

  14. Visits to appointments that require sitting and waiting BEFORE you can go in are exhausting when you are in better health. I'm sure it was a huge ordeal for Far Guy


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