Saturday, February 24, 2024

Celebration of Life

 Today is my Mother's celebration of life/funeral.

I hope everything goes as planned.  Mom wanted a good meal after the service.  We chose ham and turkey buns, pickles, cheesy potatoes, fresh fruit and an assortment of cakes and bars, there will be a special section for the gluten free foods.  The Ladies Aid is making and serving the food so it really makes it nice for the family...and we get to take home the left overs.  At my Dads funeral last year they served 180 people and ran out of some I believe they are planning to feed 250 people. ( Those ladies keep great records)

I will let you all know how it went when I get back.  I have scheduled a few blogs to automatically post since I will be real busy. 

We had 160 plus people at the visitation last night. There were people in all areas of the church. One of mothers surviving brothers was able to attend, he has bone marrow cancer, so he didn’t stay real long, but enough time to give him closure.  Mom’s other brother lives in Nebraska and his wife is very ill with the flu. He called my siblings and I a few days ago to relay his condolences. 

Far Side


  1. Thinking of all of you today & lifting you up.

  2. What a testament to a life well lived - so many people wanting to be there to pay their respects. I recall when my mom passed away we had people standing in the basement of the church where they could listen to the service as the church was full. (It wasn't a very big church but the turnout was amazing to me).

  3. I do hope it will go well without any problems. That picture shows what a pretty woman she was in her youth! She was still very good looking as a nonagenarian.

  4. I went to a funeral a few weeks ago where the deceased had planned out the meal afterwards. It was all catered and all his favorite foods from various restaurants around town. I thought it was quite nice compared to the typical cold cut sandwiches and chips that are mostly served after a funeral.

  5. Wishing you well today. It's a testament to the person your mom was that so many people showed up.

  6. I'm sure everything will go well at this celebration. You are well planned.

  7. I hope all goes smoothly. Thankful for those church ladies! They are an amazing group of ladies. Your mom looks so young and beautiful. *hugs*

  8. What a loved person she was. Prayers.

  9. So sorry for your loss. I hope today goes as well as it can x

  10. That meal gives meaning to “it takes a village”. She dedicated her life to others, now, all those are honoring her.

  11. Praying for you all today ! May God comfort you!

  12. Thinking of you and your family today and lifting you all up in prayer.

  13. I know this is going to be hard on everyone but it does give closure. You all planned such a nice service and I am sure your Mom is proud of all of you and happy with how you did such a nice job. This has been a rough year for you and I hope the stress isn't aggravating your RA. You are all in my prayers.

  14. Such a difficult time for you and your family. I'm glad you have such a large group of people that cared about your mom. Sending you hugs, have been thinking about you all day.

  15. I hope this was a day filled with love and wonderful memories, and good food!

  16. I hope that today went very well for all of you. Your luncheon sounds delicious. What a huge number at the visitation last night.

  17. It is nice when the church women can take care of everything. They have a better idea after your Dad's funeral that there will be a lot to feed. The meal is another way of honor the lost one as everyone meets and comforts each other. It is a tough time for family and everyone will be so tired.


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