Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Winter warmth

It was 39 F or 4 C here today, it was a very nice day, some snow and ice melted.   Sadie got to go for a long walk.  I made supper; pork roast, mashed potatoes, gravy, roasted carrots and parsnips = comfort food.

Far Guy is not feeling great, he is fighting off a cold. 

I worked on some of  my crochet projects and played with the dogs. 

Photo from my archives.

Far Side


  1. I enjoyed the sun too. Like an old friend I hadn’t seen in weeks.

  2. Oh no. I sure hope FG gets to feeling better.
    It got very warm here also. I think we got up to 41 F! We still have lots of snow and hopefully it will just melt slowly and seep into the ground.

  3. We are still enjoying amazingly warm temps. It won't last but I'm basking in spring-like weather. The plants are getting confused.

  4. We had the very same temperature yesterday. It seems so odd for the end of January, but it is lovely after the brutal cold we experienced earlier in the month.

    I bet Sadie enjoyed her walk. Wishing Far Guy a quick recovery.

  5. Hope Far guy feels better soon, as I know colds and coughs can sometimes last a while.....and make us feel terrible. I know Sadie enjoyed the walk on a cool crisp day...always good to be able to get out and get some exercise.....and enjoy fresh air. Hope today is a great one

  6. So happy you and Sadie got to get out and walk. It is wonderful when God gives us a little break like that in the winter.

  7. Playing with the dogs should be on the schedule in first place!

  8. That sounds like a delicious dinner! It reached 50 F in the Twin Cities yesterday!

  9. Here's hoping Far Guy doesn't get sick.

  10. I picked up pork chops on my way home from nursery school today. It just seems like a good January meal. Praying FG is feeling better soon.

  11. We are currently at 54degrees, heading for 57. The light rain will be letting up this afternoon.
    Your dinner sounds good. I roasted a pork loin on Sunday and we finished it yesterday.

  12. 54 degrees here now, heading for 57. The light rain is letting up for the afternoon. I'll be able to get out and try my new Physical therapy assignment, using weights on my left side. My therapist, who I saw this morning, is wracking her brain to think of ways to fix me.

  13. Warm winter days always feel so nice, well they do for me

  14. Praying for far guy, that he can get rid of that cold fast. Glad you had a decent day weather wise....we have quite a few coming up in our forecast too.

  15. Dinner sounds so good. As does a long walk with Sadie.
    Hope FarGuy is feeling better soon!

  16. Feeding four instead of two makes it more fun. Our journey to southern Iowa about wiped me out. I am not sure but maybe tomorrow I will be better and stronger.

  17. Yep, we're in the 60's by afternoon and that sun sure feels good! I hope Far Guy feels better. There's a lot of stuff going around. I still wear a mask around other people. Whatever I can do to keep myself well.


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