Wednesday, January 24, 2024


 Finally I am done with Doctor appointments for a bit.   I have two types of Arthritis...Rheumatoid and Psoriatic, possibly Lyme Arthritis and Chronic Pain Syndrome. 

My Doctor up here in Grand Forks started me on an antidepressant that sometimes helps with joint pain and it seems to be working.  My every other week injections of Humira also seem to be helping finally.  I have kept a pain diary since November 1st.  The past week my pain has been less...I am at a six instead of a nine or ten. I still have severe fatigue...the Doctor hopes that will get better as the pain retreats. 

I have Polyclonal Hypergammaglobulinemia. The Hematologist and the Rheumatologist believe it is from Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Basically my immune system has gone nuts making so many antibodies.   There is nothing that can be done about it.  It won't kill me. Just another by product of arthritis.  The only way to treat it is to get rid of the underlying cause...which is Arthritis. 

 Ya well if I had a magic wand to wave! 

One day at a time.  One foot in front of the other! 

Far Side


  1. I'm so glad to hear that you are getting some relief from all that pain, even if it's not complete, it's better than before, right? :-)

  2. Goodness, you have a lot to deal with. My mom lived with chronic pain for many years and I always marvelled at how much she was able to do. I can empathise with you and hope the meds continue to give you some relief.

  3. As we say in the South, "Bless your heart!" This hurts me for you just reading it.
    One great thing to be admired about you is that you research and you understand what is going on with your body. You work to find solutions - - if they are out there. Praying you will have as much success as you have found for your husband.
    I do hate when the immune system is compromised - - whether from an allergy or a sickness. It sometimes sets up a domino effect in our bodies. Very frustrating and discouraging at times. I admire that you don't just go to bed and stay there. I know some who do.
    It sounds like you have a good doctor or doctors for them to have discovered all that. Very thankful, too, that you are with your daughter so you didn't have to take care of an entire house with just you and your husband this winter. That is a super big bonus in addition to be closer to town and doctors.

  4. Oh, my. This is a lot to handle, I'm so sorry. I have osteoarthritis which is not the same thing. It's good you are finally seeing some improvement, let's hope it continues.

  5. Oh my - you've got a lot to deal with on a daily basis. I feel grateful that my main arthritis issues have been solved with the 2 new hips. Hopefully your pain levels will continue to decrease.

  6. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to deal every day with severe pain. I'm sending you a hug. I hope it doesn't hurt.
    I'm up early, for me, because I now have nerve pain again in my leg. No fix for it this time. I'm in my recliner, with a blanket, distracting myself with my laptop.

  7. So sorry for the pain that this causes you. I had lunch with a friend yesterday and she was talking about the pain she feels in her body...I think she has convinced herself that she has Lyme disease and this is where the pain is coming from. So difficult when you can not pinpoint your aches and pains. Hoping you are better.

  8. Dealing with health issues and chronic pain is exhausting. It sounds like your GF’s doctor is on top of things. I hope you find lasting relief soon.

  9. Yikes. My FIL suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis along with COPD. Back in the day, there was no newer meds to help out with his issues.

    I feel for you because I know how much ... ok... I do NOT know how bad it can feel. I can only say that I can imagine the pain.

    I sure hope you start to get some relief.

  10. Well, darn! BUT! Thankfully the pain is starting to recede some. That is something. My prayers are with you!! They really are.

  11. I am feeling for you. My husband lived many years with severe pain issues so I know how debilitating it can be. I'm glad the doctors etc. are finding ways to help - and I would send you a magic wand if I could. Big hugz, Mxx

  12. Pain is horrible thing to live with and I hope things improve but I know all you can do is take it own day at a time and hope for the best

  13. Your maladies are difficult to bear and impossible to spell. You have them. They don’t have you! Push on.

  14. Aches and pains. We have lots to complain about.

  15. Good to know the various medications are helping you cope with the pain.

  16. That project you are working on (wood) is absolutely stunning! I am so sorry to hear about your arthritic pain :( I hope the meds continue to work.

  17. Oh Connie! I can't even pronounce what you've got...along with everything else you already have. My heart goes out to you. Thank goodness the shot and meds are at least putting a dent in the pain level. And you are still making beautiful things. Your wood design is just beautiful. I hope your health continues to be better and better. *gentle hugs*

  18. Oh my.....I'm so sorry to hear about all the things going on with your health. It all sounds so very painful. Know that you are in my prayers for things to get better and the pain to continue getting better. God bless you.

  19. Next week I start out my appointments for two of my three doctors. I will have to work in a funeral also and I hope all fits and nothing overlaps. I will get to drive two hours south.

  20. Connie, I'm so sorry to hear about all this. I'm glad the meds are helping some at least. One day at a time is all we can do sometimes.

    I love the wood blocks. It looks just like a beautiful quilt block!

    I'm sending you my prayers for improvement!

  21. I got my RA during a period of extreme stress and when I left the stress behind me my RA went into remission. I used to be really tired and low energy with it but now I feel so much better, pain free and energetic and I take low dose RA medicine now and no expensive injections. I pray it will be the same for you. You did have a lot of stress last year with your Father passing and caring for everyone else.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie