Sunday, January 28, 2024

A Trade

 Sadie visited me early one morning and brought me a ball, she left it for me but took my small pillow.  I suppose it is a matter of perspective whether it was a good trade or not. 

I gave her the ball back, here she is playing keep away from Gramma...if I reach down to get the ball she quickly snatches it up in her big old mouth.  Once in awhile I can get her to drop the ball but not consistently. 

Little Elvis and Sadie are sometimes pals, Little Elvis loves a game of ball so he can run and bark...he has yet to get a ball and bring it back in the last 14 years. Little Elvis has his own rules for playing ball. 

Far Guy went to Dog Obedience Class with us last week.  Sadie works well for him too.  She is so big and strong it was nice to have someone else to help with her. She wants to smell everything and pull on the lead.  She still needs work on recall, stay and walking on the leash politely. 

Far Side


  1. She sounds like a teenager. The dogs sure provide some additional entertainment.

  2. You gave the ball back. Do you get your pillow back? :-)

  3. Mom's dog Jem likes to play keep away. And it doesn't matter what it is - toy, ball, stick...something she's not supposed to have... you really got to work to get it from her.
    Chevy on the other hand, is a perfect gentleman and will play fetch from dawn to dusk!

  4. Sadie has a mind of her own! I had a Lab who loved tennis balls. He would carry two in his mouth, side by side. So funny. His name was Bill and we called them Bill's Balls!

  5. LIttle Elvis is doing very good for 14

  6. Cute doggos! My daughter had two goldens and they are the best dogs. So gentle.

  7. Good thing you have the time to work with Sadie because she sounds like a strong-willed dog ( lovable as she is, I'm sure).

  8. I love hearing about their activities! She is showing you who the boss of the ball is.

  9. I think I could use obedience school. I don’t always follow the rules.

  10. I'm sure these dogs will train you to let them do whatever they want!

  11. You two are super to take Sadie to Dog Obedience Class. Good for you. Glad it all went well. Sorry about your little pillow.....did you ever get it back?

  12. I loved dog obedience when I did it so many years ago with my first dog. She was an eager learner and did so well that the instructor asked if she could advance and eventually we could pair up for search and rescue.
    I didn't have the time or the money to do that.

    We had a second dog who was half golden retriever and she went through the same course and she seemed to want to learn what felt good for her.

    Each individual dog has their own personality just like people. I do enjoy dogs!

    Charlie doesn't retrieve unless he wants to also!

  13. Diane, Yes she went to Far Guy with it and gave it up right away:)

  14. such beautiful dogs. So sweet how they seemed to enjoy getting their picture taken. Our grown kiddos have their precious fur babies, but we never have gotten another since our little one died last year.

  15. We are all a work in progress. Great photo of the 2 of them.

  16. Barney could go get the ball but never ever figured how to play ball. He had lots of good qualities but no ball playing and don't throw a frisbee at me. I like seeing those two together.


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