Saturday, December 16, 2023


 Done shopping, done baking.  Done with Doctors appointments this past week.  

Pumpkin Bread was made.  Granddaughter Maddie knows how to make it now ( she came over to help bake on her day off).  

The tree is decorated. The last present was purchased. 

The semester at school is done for Jen and Andy, they have some time off to do what they want before school starts again in January. 

Far Side


  1. It feels good to be done with all of that I bet.

    We have no plans for Christmas at all. I think we'll have lasagna and open our boxed gifts for each other. I purchased a few things for us and put them in gift boxes under the chair along with a box for Charlie. Pretty simple!

    The rest of the gifts for the littles were made on line and shipped directly to the parents.
    It was easy peasy this year.

  2. It's always nice to get things done in advance. Enjoy your Christmas celebrations!

  3. Very pretty tree! And the pumpkin bread - yum! I'm mostly done with all of that too. There are a couple of things to wrap yet, and a couple of small items to purchase yet. It will feel really good to be able to put the wrapping paper and stuff away.

  4. Good for you! It's nice to have everything finished and just enjoy the season. We've been done since November and I've enjoyed doing the extra things like the tea last week with no stress of worring that I should be doing something else.
    Enjoy each other! Nothing better than time together.

  5. Nice to be done. The breads look delicious! Glad Maddie wanted to know how to make the loaves and came to help. :)

  6. Sounds like things are coming together. I still have some baking and knitting to finish, but everything else is ready

  7. Now, everyone can relax and enjoy the holidays.

  8. Well organized! I bet you are happy to have baking help. The tree is pretty.

  9. I made pumpkin bread. It fell. My life story.

  10. It's a great feeling to be able to say those words...DONE. The Pumpkin Bread looks tasty.

  11. I would say that things are moving right along on all fronts so the you can enjoy the season.

  12. Mmmm I can almost smell that pumpkin bread! The tree looks lovely. Now you can just kick back and relax! (Ha! )

  13. My list is still full of items yet to be checked off. Today we had the cookie baking fest: sprinkle decorated lemon sugar cookies and gingerbread. I'll post some photos. Tomorrow I'll bake the cardamom bread.
    It sounds like your holiday is in full swing, in a nicely controlled way.

  14. I'm all done too with the exception of one baking project with the girls. We have a tradition of making and decorating a large batch of sugar cookies for Christmas, the one and only time we make them all year long.

  15. Sounds like you're all set for Christmas there. Bet it's cozy and sooo fun. Blessings to you and your family.

  16. What a great feeling to be done and now you can sit back and enjoy the Christmas festivities! Amy doesn't get out for winter break until next week. I'm still getting things done. Enjoy your get together today! Merry Christmas to all!

  17. Those loaves of pumpkin bread look delicious!

  18. It must feel good to have presents almost done. The pumpkin bread looks great. I buy it at the store for my wife to eat when she is tired of muffins. I get to eat whole wheat toast only.

  19. A little jealous of where you are at! My theme seems to be the more I do, the behinder I get :)


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