Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Christmas Report

 Minnesota had and is having an ongoing ice storm.  We were not able to spend Christmas Eve with my brothers and my Mom due to icy roads, we spent the evening here playing some games.  Christmas morning Noah joined us for breakfast and we opened a few gifts.   Andy made prime rib for supper with lots of fixings; Far Guy did potatoes, Jen a lettuce salad with pears and pomegranate, I made a snickers salad...cool whip, green apple and snickers candy bar.  It was a delicious meal. 

Andy shared that his Mom always made meatballs, potatoes and gravy as a Christmas dinner.  Usually Christmas dinner was at my Grandparents where there was turkey, ham and chicken and every kind of dish you can imagine...she feed 40 people maybe more.  I have not thought about the spiced crabapples in years...

Sadie and Little Elvis

So far we still have electricity, I am certain that many people will be out of power before the storm is over.  

Far Side


  1. Glad you had a safe Christmas, but ice storms are deadly, so please stay safe and warm at home! Love seeing Sadie and Little Elvis.

  2. I saw that you all were having a horrible storm! So I am glad that you didn't try and travel at all.

    Here we had such thick fog that we couldn't see the forest only a few 100 feet away!
    We are stuck home anyway due to colds.

    I'm glad though that you had family around you for Christmas!

  3. I think my comment was eaten. Merry Christmas and thanks for the sweet picture. Stay safe!

  4. BEAUTIFUL Christmas card from the previous day and excellent photo of the dogs! Perfect poses from them. Our Christmas schedule was not as planned either but it was not the weather. The grandkids got sick and it kept passing slowing from one to the other and the parents. It's all good. It was different but it was still great. We avoided them and the "plague" that is making the circuit big-time in our area.

  5. The picture of the dogs looking at the tree is so sweet.

    We have ice underneath the snow, and we stayed put too. Steak, baked potatoes, grilled shrimp was our menu. Our big family gathering on New Year's Day will be our annual seafood feast of seared scallops, steamed crab legs, shrimp a couple of different ways.

    Growing up in Minnesota it was oyster stew on Christmas Eve. We never made lutefisk again after my grandfather passed away. Makes me shudder. Ick!

  6. The Christmas card is amazing! I cannot imagine removing those small wee pieces of paper. That takes precision and patience!

    I'm sorry you weren't able to be with your brothers and mom on Christmas Day. Hopefully the ice storm ends soon and you'll be able to make a visit.

    The photo of the pups watching the tree is so fun. Was there something on it for them?

  7. Hope you're able to stay safe and warm during the storm

  8. I know western MN has been hit hard with an ice storm. We have had rain only and lots of that. Your Christmas sound really nice. I cannot imagine feeding 40 people!

  9. I'm glad you had a good Christmas but sorry that you missed being with the rest of the family. Our predicted storm of 2-12 inches left us with about 2 inches but we did have ice too. And our few guests were able to make it to our place for dinner.
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. Oh, I hope the power stays on! We had 60's and then it rained Christmas Eve and now we're in the 50's but freezing at night. The sun is supposed to shine all week. Winter is here though.
    Your dinner and all those food memories sounded great. It's so interesting about how families each have their own traditional meals during the holidays.
    Love the picture of Sadie and Elvis.

  11. Unusual to have such an ice storm for Christmas. Glad you stayed put! We had enough ice that they could plow it...well, get the top layer of it off, anyways.
    Sounds like a wonderful holiday, regardless. Love the picture of the pups by the tree! :)

  12. My Mom used to make those crabapples too. I think only she and my Dad ate them.
    I hope your power stays on. Good idea to stay off the icy roads.

  13. So glad you are with family "up north" now. You don't have to go anywhere. Ice storms are bad.

  14. Sorry about your weather putting a damper on Christmas celebrations.

  15. Glad you had a good Christmas, an ice storm doesn't sound good though

  16. Prayers everyone near you can stay warm and fed. I hate ice storms. It was 63 degrees here (I hear) but we are both fighting terrible colds (negative on the covid) so we haven't even looked out a window.

  17. Everybody cooks, that is a good thing. Your ice storm was a tough one. I hope it all was still fun and hope the weather changes enough that you can head south. I bought the pot roast and peeled the potatoes. I did play the role of little helper and my wife was glad she felt so good that she cook up a storm. We practiced at Thanksgiving and we do make a good team.

  18. Hope you make it through the storm with power on. I don’t have a back up. My friend does. When the electricity goes off it kicks in. It’s powered by natural gas. It costs a lot and we usually aren’t out that long. But last year we’re did not have power for 3 days. I only have electric heat. No gas. It was horrible. All my food spoiled.

  19. So sorry to hear about your ice storm. I hate those things, Praying you don't lose power. Your dinner sounded delicious. We made it to daughter's house in Southern Wis....it rained Christmas Eve and all day Christmas Day...but temps in the 50's. For dinner we had filet mignon, chicken and lobster with my mom's delicious cheesy potatoes. Flan and Rosettes for dessert. We're back home now....it drizzled all the long way back but we arrived safely. Glad you're staying put Connie and Gene! Enjoy your wonderful family.

  20. What a storm farther north. That is a great picture of Sadie and Little Elvis!

  21. I've been sick. Just catching up. Merry Christmas


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