Thursday, December 14, 2023


 The next door neighbor hires his Christmas light decorating, he lights up the neighborhood.

I took this photo before the snow.  Note the green buckets! 

The bears and the peace letters all have green buckets to elevate them above the snow, it probably also helps so they don't freeze down.  After Christmas the fellow will come by with his really tall ladder and take everything down. 

I took this photo last night as you can see we have snow.

Far Side


  1. The buckets are a clever idea in areas that get lots of snow.

  2. aw, snow, not gonna do it here right now. Maybe later in the winter. Stay warm. You have a good one. Hugs, Latane

  3. Very nice! My former neighbour did his own lights and music and I recently saw a notice that he and his family are offering photos with Olaf or one other cartoon character this weekend for a small donation to the Diabetes association. This is a new addition, but what struck me most was the info that he has over 25,000 lights! It is definitely a labour of love for him.

  4. Hiring to have your lights done is a smart idea and evidently a good business for the installer. There is a young man with a bucket truck in our city who not only installs but he also provides the lights. He mainly does the "Gingerbread House" look where it puts the illumination on the eaves and windows. They look beautiful. I love the way these lights look like they are ascending to Heaven and taking our focus upwards to worship the ONE who came down to Earth to make a way for us to return to HIM one day!

  5. This is a nice display. Not too much. We will be 49 F today, where am I living!

  6. Beautiful. We have a really spectacular lighting display right around the corner from us. I have driven by every couple of days just to see it - even took Olivia to see it when she was here a week ago.

  7. Beautiful lights and the buckets are a great idea. We took Mom out to look at Christmas lights on Sunday evening. She loved it. I guess we never get too old to enjoy the beauty.
    Blessings and hugs,

  8. Some folks go to so much work to set up beautiful displays. Which I appreciate but can't see myself going to that length. Your neighbour obviously doesn't mind.

  9. What fun to look at out your window! We decided that we are okay with decorating our porch with lights. The best part is that we can undecorate the porch from the porch. I think that is a sign of getting old :)

  10. Spectacular. You can enjoy each night.

  11. Wow.....that is very fancy. Thanks for the cool pictures. Hope you're all doing well and enjoying the snow.

  12. Wow!
    I have one string of lights at our place so nothing spectacular at all.

    But I do love going around and seeing what other folks have done!

  13. I had no idea you could hire someone to do that. That is so cool! I can't hire anybody for anything around here! The bucket idea is great!

  14. My neighbor Vino has way too many things out there. I need to choose a night and take photos of my favorites. My favorites is the polar bears that he has.

  15. I didn't know you could hire people to decorate, but it makes sense, I guess. You can hire people to do most everything else--lol! The buckets are a great idea. We got a very thin layer of snow last night. Not enough to cover the grass. :)


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