Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Afternoon pals

 Jen was at work and then came home to rest quietly.  Far Guy was downstairs working on a puzzle and having a nap. Andy was at work and came home in time for supper. 

Sadie and Little Elvis had me cornered in the computer room.  No way was I escaping without them.

They had the exits covered.  Smart dogs.  I will "do" in a pinch. 

View out the window in the computer room.

Notice no snow.  There was some morning frost but I slept through it. 

I was the cook yesterday.  Roast pork, mashed potatoes and gravy, with roasted parsnips and carrots.  There are enough left overs to eat again today.  BTW the Pioneer brand gluten free brown gravy mix was excellent!

Far Side


  1. I like making meals that have leftovers for at least one day.

    Looks like you have a nice view both ways outside of your computer room!

    I bet having the dogs around is fun for you.

  2. My goodness, you truly have no snow. We got an inch or so the other day so it's white out there again. It won't last as we're forecast for highs well above freezing. I'm starting to worry about how cold January and February might be as winter seems to be delayed.

  3. Those dogs are too cute! That dinner sounds like something I could have. What is wrong with gluten? I need to look up that up.

  4. I know your house hosts loved having you cook for them. Guess those dogs are gaurd dogs.

  5. Those 2 love having some of their favorite people back in the house. Extra love for them! Your supper menu sounded delicious.

  6. I'm guessing those babies are in Heaven having their people with them all day instead of being alone. So sweet.
    I would love to have other cooks to switch it up with. I don't mind the actual cooking, it's thinking about what to make. :-)

  7. Interesting how the dogs have a hierarchy for their people, I was the main focus for our dog who passed away. Your post brought back memories of him sleeping at my feet. Have a great day

  8. Thanks for the gluten free suggestion. I MUST cook gluten free for Terry so new things are always exciting to find.

  9. I love that Chance photo in the header, I literally said Awwww when I saw it.

  10. They are making sure you stay put! That is a delicious dinner you made.

  11. Dogs are so different from cats ( well, of course) but dogs want your attention. Cats want food and maybe a bit of patting, then they're off doing their own thing.
    Thank you for your comment on my blog letting people know what might solve the commenting problem.

  12. I see that you were the chief cook and dog sitter that day. Sounds like you were a success at both.

  13. This sounds so nice, I miss the days when I could cook and miss having leftovers

  14. Had to chuckle at the dogs covering the exits--lol!
    When cooking, always makes sense to me to make lots so you have leftovers. ;)

  15. Dinner sounds delish! I love the view out the window too.
    We have more snow here than you do up there.....We'll try to send you some!

  16. Those dogs (any dogs) are such good company! No snow - looks like home!

  17. The photos show that it looks peaceful as all are doing their resting things. I remember though that once you get up the dogs go into a flurry. The house is a beautiful home.


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