Wednesday, December 20, 2023


 Happy 54th Wedding Anniversary to us!  We plan to go out for steaks at Harry's if we can still get a reservation.  If not we will find some other place to celebrate.

Who woulda thunk it all those years ago that at 18 and 19 years old we would make it 54 years! 

Far Side


  1. Happy Anniversary! 54 years takes commitment, patience, and respect, and of course, love. Have a great celebration!
    Your photo looks a lot like my sister's when she married a handful of years later. Same long blond hair and glasses.
    Cheers! Kathy

  2. That is an awesome testimony of marriage!!! I remember when I was only 54 years old - - it seems young now. LOL. Have fun celebrating. I hope your meal is exquisite wherever you land this evening.

  3. Congratulations! That’s quite a milestone. RHill, TX

  4. Happy 54th Anniversary!! Woooo hoooooo

    Dawn P. Albany, GA

  5. Congratulations to you both on reaching this milestone. Wishing you many more years of happiness.

  6. Nice! We just had an anniversary too. 27 yrs. Yikes!


  7. So young! Congratulations on 54 years together.

  8. Happy anniversary. At these numbers celebration is not a big deal. So, make sure you do get a good steak.

  9. Congratulations to the two of you! 54 years is a long time and shows committment on both of your parts.
    Blessings and hugs,

  10. Tom and I just celebrated our 50th anniversary on the first of the month congratulations to you and and the Mister!!!

  11. Congratulations! You two are doing it right apparently!

  12. Happy Anniversary to you both with many more to come!

  13. 54 is incredible. Congratulations! We are at 36 and loving life.

  14. Happy 54th anniversary! It flew by I'm sure.

  15. Happy Anniversary !! Nice picture of the two of you taken way back when you were so very young 💗💗💗

  16. You were mere kids! Happy Anniversary.

  17. Congratulations on your 54, so many don't make it. Well done. Cute cute picture on your tree. We hit 51 this past June. Hope you're able to get your reservations and enjoy a marvelous special dinner. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  18. Congratulations on a long and happy life. Happy Anniversary!

  19. Congratulations, I hope you have many more good years together

  20. Have a very Wonderful, Lovely, and Happy Anniversary Celebration. Be Happy and to have LOVE for all this time is the most important.
    I wish for you, and for all your lovely family a real Happy and Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.

  21. Happy, Happy Anniversary. You two are just going to have to fave steak. I was so old when I got married the first time and a lot older the second time around.

  22. Wow, that is a long time to be with a partner, and to still like each other all these years later. Congratulations!!!!

  23. Happy Anniversary you lovebirds, you! :)

  24. Very. very happy anniversary!! :)

  25. Wow....Congratulations you two on 54 years. Hope you were able to go out for your delicious steak dinners! We're just one year ahead of you! So you had almost a Christmas wedding!

  26. Happy Anniversary!!!

    I look at our wedding photos, two dumb teenagers standing in front of a full church and question why no one objected! LOL. I just figure we grew up together.

  27. Happy belated Anniversary!!! 54 years...amazing and you are still a darn cute couple! BTW, I think I had those same glasses.


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